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Everything posted by Kickasso

  1. Kickasso

    Any PvP/clan PvP servers?

    http://dayz-newcastle.co.uk/ whitelisted server i play on, no hackers its a good laugh
  2. id love to think that id survive but in reality 99% of us will become zombies....
  3. Kickasso

    IRL Humanity

    doctors would be like gods of karma, 250 humanity for ever blood transfusion, 50 humanity for giving out paracetomal
  4. All i got to say op is haters gunna hate, your lack of humanity impressed me, its a game people let him play how he wants to play
  5. Kickasso

    So whats your loadout??

    Gps, ak47-kobra thingie, m14 aim, g17, lots of food and mags
  6. Kickasso

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    James.k came and got me, great guy, polite and quick thanks james
  7. Kickasso

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    im currently stuck on 400ish blood in a field near elektro, if anyone feels like giving me a blood transfusion (i have the blood in my bp) send me a pm. thanks! :)
  8. Hi i'm 14 and from Great Britain and i'm looking for 2 or 3 people around my age to play some dayz with, doesnt matter how much gear you got or anything like that, just add me on steam if your interested http://steamcommunit...61198054871445/
  9. Kickasso

    Trade Offer: Mountain Dew

    How do you know the guys not going to shoot you then just take the mountain dew...
  10. Kickasso

    about game

    Yeah i think your talking about the crazy texture thing? But remember this game is in alpha, so bugs can be expected
  11. Kickasso

    Trade Offer: Mountain Dew

    Out of interest how would this trade happen?
  12. i can assure you i am not a peadophile ;) really...ill show you just come to my van 13-16 isnt really 'young kids' either
  13. thanks man thanks man sorry about that =)
  14. yeah i added you on skype, im 14 too, should be fun to have some people to play with
  15. Kickasso

    AS50 or DMR for single weapon loadout?

    the as50 is a one shot kill on any part of the body but the dmr is significantly easier to use, so its up to you really
  16. run to cherno, loot fire station, hospital general store, church and the red houses take a trip to the balota airstrip die...
  17. Kickasso

    Clan Recruiting

    Where are most of the members of your clan based?