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Everything posted by Kolnan

  1. Kolnan

    Harder each day

    I was thinking about this earlier... Like when they have base building thats fine and dandy but what about down times? I was even thinking he could go about adding different attributes to different races of characters.... allowing people to do "exercises" to improve certain aspects.... There are a lot of interesting things that could be added when a player has gotten bored finding plenty of loot to last for a while... But I'm sure these topics wont really come to be until the beta stage...
  2. Kolnan

    Server Chat?

    Good to know take my beans! I have a walkie talkie too :D time to troll some peeps!!!
  3. Kolnan

    looking for RP server

    I've yet to find one. I'm posting here so I get updates if someone has found one... Just remember RP is all up to the players... they can choose to drop character and blast your face off at any given time... =\ sadly
  4. Kolnan

    Server Chat?

    From what I've seen SA only has direct chat.... you will not get global chat until private hives come out and set the server to allow said global chat... and thats if rocket even keeps it in the game he could do away with it all together to be honest....(other chat channels)
  5. Kolnan

    Hey, am I the only one?

    early alpha considering they're not expecting it to hit beta for what a YEAR? lol
  6. Kolnan

    Looks like the hackers are back at it....

    I dont really think hes hacking, I've seen people glitch through walls and do a bunch of weird stuff... I think you just happened to run into someone who knows about these glitches and is exploiting them, not really a hacker? my friends kept glitching through the walls when we were running together the other day IDK if its a bug or what but they would run straight through walls and buildings and keep going...
  7. That would be fucking AMAZING if they did that. I did see a game play of that take on heli's and the way you start up a heli and fly it around is pretty unique. much more realistic IMO and honestly if Dean is going to realism than he would be smart to keep some of those features in. honestly I'm not sure where you heard the engine was ON the take on helicopters engine as I never heard or read anything along these lines....
  8. Kolnan

    How long before Beta release - Poll

    You made me smile :)
  9. Kolnan

    "Friendly Servers"

    Yeah.... You see "friendly Server" You should be reading "Fuck you swag srvr 420 evry dai fuck your momma" as they are just names someone put on the server... doesn't necessarily mean people conform to it....
  10. Kolnan

    DayZ is Currently Unplayable (For Me)

    same stuff happens to me... been about a week almost I haven't played... I'm sure they're working on it
  11. thats a pretty cool map i've not seen one of those before (the internet traffic one)
  12. Kolnan

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    mmm the tears GIVE ME LIFE!!!!!!!
  13. Kolnan

    Please undo today's patch asap

    yeah whatever patch caused this is really a nucense... I've not played in a couple days because of this. I'm waiting for the next patch to come out as it's MORE likely for them to roll out another patch instead of reverting to a previous patch -.-
  14. Kolnan

    ROAD_WARRIORS 24/7 Day Light

    I'm sorry I'd love to join, but this dog of war finds it hard to join a group called the Road Warriors without their leader named Lord Humungus....
  15. I believe this is written into the actual engine itself and will take some time to remove and change... I could be mistaken but I believe this has already been discussed as something in the "works" It was on one of the devblog's or one of the videos Rocket released, but i definitely remember him mentioning this and saying its a problem and something hes working to get fixed before the game is fully released... I cant believe you've overlooked SEVERAL warnings about the games current status? If you want you money back go for it but enjoy paying the $60 when the game IS RELEASED and you come back wanting to play again.... Seriously if you get tired of the "Alpha" status go play another game for a few months and come back I'm sure by then there will be something new that you would be interested in....
  16. Kolnan

    ROAD_WARRIORS 24/7 Day Light

    Whats the name of your leader? The leader of the Road Warriors?
  17. Kolnan

    DayZ Slavery.

    Maybe later on in the game... however there will always be that level of "choice" the person will ALWAYS be able to run away if they so choose.... It's do able... you'de probably just want like 3 people or more watching over him in case he did try to run.... common man think outside the box! you can do whatever the hell you want in dayz... getting others to play along however is another story...
  18. Personally I cant wait until bibles are a hand placed item and priest clothes are wearable in game... Then I can run around big cities literally bible thumping bandits and other people :) I'm not a religious man by any means... I just think it'll be fucking SWEET to knock someone in the head with a bible only for them to prove they are a heathenistic person by shooting me with a gun :) Did i ever mention that I loved dayz??? yeah I do.... =D I hope the devs are listening !!!!
  19. Someone tried this on my at balota airfield.... i had no items but he handcuffed me and told me to walk away and i was going to be executed... thankfully to the alphaness of the game while walking away the game glitched and my hands were set free.... i brought up my fists and knocked the "executioner" on his ass.... He got a couple shots in me but i got him enough times in the head to knock him down... grabbed his gun and ran for it... he chased me to the ATC in balota but i was hiding on the other side of the building just east of the ATC... I watched him run in there hoping to find me, So I turned and ran to the woods.... This game sure has changed and it'll be a lot more interesting to see more situations like mine take place =) Just another reason to love the game I guess :-D
  20. Kolnan

    SA Hotspots

    I think you're just about right with the high traffic areas, I've noticed Electro kinda quite during full servers... but Balota and Cherno and the new city just north of Balota seem to be some really hot spots. I've found if you use just a few spots just in that corner of the map you can get geared really well and easily make the decision to play a bandit... I think the increase of loots (In the bigger apartment buildings as well as all others having loot) will only make this more prevalent... I think cherno/balota and the new city will be the hottest spots on a server depending on the server.
  21. Kolnan

    Book em, Dano

    They are in so if someone say me for instance wanted to run around in priest clothing (Potentially) literally beating people with the bible... I can... =) did I mention that I love Dayz? I know you can read them now but the ability to beat literally "thump" someone with a bible is to tempting to pass up... besides who reads now a days hur hur hur :-P
  22. Haha I cant wait to see if they make it so you can run around like a lost traveler with the compass out and beat people with it.... I cant be the ONLY one anticipating this?? =D
  23. Kolnan

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Sweet gotta love progress
  24. Kolnan

    [OUTDATED] DayZ: The Ultimate Loot Route

    Awww you pointed out the new garages that spawn some decent loots :P good thing not a lot of people read forums so it'll still be good pickins for those who discovered it before your walk-through! Good job regardless mate! I've actually done something similar to this on my own before reading your guide!