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Everything posted by Kolnan

  1. Kolnan

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Very nice! Wish I could contribute some to the Development!
  2. I'm looking for people interested in playing, I dont mind you play style I'm just looking for a group that organized and coordinated when SHTF and bullets start flying. I live in MST and play around 3pm-10pm all mountain standard time. I'm 23 years old and I can download any necessary voice software needed.
  3. Kolnan

    Build Rolling Update

    Wait so no more L85 period? i found 2 the other day =(
  4. Kolnan

    Helicopter M240 reload from mag

    completely agree... I searched in hopes of finding a way to reload them but found this =( I'm a saddd panda...
  5. Nice vid, I want to put together something similar weird shit keeps happening to me (driving an atv off road did a double front flip and landed it perfectly and drove off, GOOD JOB ON THE VID!
  6. Kolnan

    Hacker Dance Party!

    I thought it woulda been 100% funnier if the hacker got on global chat and spammed gangnam style over the mic (I was kinda expecting that) just as everyone in the server began to dance... then after the song was over let them return to their normal gaming session... OPAA GANGNAM STYLEE
  7. Kolnan

    DayZ in real life

    Nice job! keep it up!
  8. Very nice! I took a pop shot the other day at some fucking sniper in cherno from outside it... randomness smacked him right in the face and i got a bandit skin 0.o I should start recording and collect beans! NOM NOM NOM =D
  9. Kolnan

    we own namalsk !

    I thought you had a sniper... then you stood up... -.- nice shooting I guess, It would be better if you saw more armed guys getting shot.... I hate being killed unarmed...
  10. Kolnan

    [VIDEO] How to steal a vehicle

    Nice job you guys sound like a good duo to play with... hopefully I'll find a good enough group to do fun shit like this soon =D
  11. So that's the promo video? seems legit ;)
  12. Kolnan

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Cool pics posted to the forums but most of the links are dead for me =(
  13. Kolnan

    DayZ Memes

    Lol meme's rule =) espicially dayz ones!!
  14. Kolnan

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Haha I love the captions!
  15. Hey everyone I'm Kolnan, I live in Denver, Colorado and I'm looking for players/groups that play during my most active times: M-F 4:00pm - 10:00pm MST and just about 24/7 every other weekend, average about 20+ hours a week. I'm 23 years old, I work in IT for a living, I play either PVE or PVP, and I've been playing DayZ about 2 months now. I can do live streams and I try to record what I can when playing with people. I have a mic and I can download any necessary software used for communication. I tend to be a little more serious and take my time when playing, I don't like dying so..... =) If you guys want any more info just ask!
  16. Thanks for the reply but I'm looking for more USA players, I might still look into you guys tho as you play rather late your time (pretty early still my time) got any contact info? skype? or just pm me the ts info?
  17. Sorry about that, and thanks for fixing that! =)
  18. A fucking pharmacy drug spammer? are you fucking kidding me? im 23 years old dude I have no problems getting my dick hard.....
  19. Kolnan

    Looking to Join a Clan/Group

    Sorry but I don't know anything about you so I cant join with you!
  20. Kolnan

    Need Squad!

    Timezone: MST IGN: Kolnan Skype name: Kolnan Guns: Assault rifles and pistols Favorite gun: M4a1 cco sd What are you: assault, medic, recon age:23
  21. Hey everyone I'm a pretty experienced player and I'm looking for friends to play with... I'm tired of running around by myself and its more fun with people! Only requirements is a mic and of course the ability to play dayz. Im in MST (denver, Colorado) so anyone around my time zone would be perfect... I'm mainly looking for a group to play with or friends to join me in some survival. My skype is Kolnan (the one that says is from japan) and I do have just about all the voice chatting software available(ts,vent,mumble) and I can get any others required...anyway thanks for reading and i look forward to playing with you guys! (BTW im in cherno and on lingor im in calamar with a badass DMR =P)
  22. Kolnan

    Looking for a squad!

    Sounds super interesting! like a gaming community! I'll check you guys out!
  23. Hey everyone I'm a pretty experienced player and I'm looking for friends to play with... I'm tired of running around by myself and its more fun with people! Only requirements is a mic and of course the ability to play dayz. Im in MST (denver, Colorado) so anyone around my time zone would be perfect... I'm mainly looking for a group to play with or friends to join me in some survival. My skype is Kolnan (the one that says is from japan) and I do have just about all the voice chatting software available(ts,vent,mumble) and I can get any others required...anyway thanks for reading and i look forward to playing with you guys! (BTW im in cherno and on lingor im in calamar with a badass DMR =P)
  24. 1. First Name alex 2. Age 23 3. Country USA 4. Favorite Weapon, AND Favorite Role AK, g17, grenades.... lots of grenades... point/medic 5. Skype Name Kolnan 6. Would You Like To Take Place In Raids? Of course