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*Regulator* Jerry

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About *Regulator* Jerry

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. *Regulator* Jerry

    Medic Outpost - Not Server bound!

    Well at least our constant fear from being targeted by snipers has been replaced by absolute certitude that we are already doomed to repetitive death. Snipers wouldn't pose THAT much of a problem, Hackers do...
  2. *Regulator* Jerry

    Medic Outpost - Not Server bound!

    In case you dont have a mic or you are too scared to yell because you are surrounded by zombies, you can also throw a tin can up our roof or something similiar that doesn't smoke. We also provide premium automated zombie killing service in our shelter with 99% safety warranty (once you are inside). Also: even though our service is free, we are always glad to have people bring us usefull stuff as payment, like medical supply they don't need, or maybe sometimes a drink or two.