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Everything posted by Heimdal

  1. Become well practiced with "common" weapons: AK's, 1911, etc. The less rare "goodies" you're carrying, the less likely your "patient" is to shoot you in the back.
  2. Not bad, should run it fairly stably.
  3. You leave that crappy server yet? Lol. Anyway, cool videos. Subscribed.
  4. Heimdal

    This game is PvP not PvE

    Don't tell me how to play DayZ - I'll play it how I want to. Sometimes I play on PvE servers and have a blast trading, building a base, collecting loot, massacring zombies, etc. Sometimes I jump to HIVE or PvP servers because the fact that arrogant, FPS console asshats like you exist and I want to shoot them in the face. ;) My point is the game is what you want it to be, and I hope juiced up "bandit" types like you don't bully rocket and BI into making this game a cheap counter strike copy like you lot so desperately want it to be.
  5. Heimdal

    Will this be a good gaming Rig?

    That's a very low rated graphics card...overall, it is a decent computer, but VERY overpriced.
  6. Heimdal

    M1911 or G17?

    G17 is way more multi-purpose. Everyone has said it...high rate of fire, flashlight, etc. Also, I find as much G17 ammo as I do 1911 or .45 ACP. I'd save the bag room for a 2nd primary weapon and drop the 1911. So you're telling me the Makarov does as much damage as a Revolver? :lol:
  7. Heimdal

    FN FAL or AKM?

    AKM for sure - quieter, more ammo, etc. If you can get your hands on a Kobra, though, that'd be a good choice. They're relatively quiet, nice sight, lots of ammo, relatively quiet. For me, the FN/FAL is too loud and the iron sights aren't my favorite. Always tempted to hang on to the night vision one though.
  8. I'd love to see a server dedicated to a two-faction war. One "team" takes the east half of the map, the other takes the west, and they attempt to raid and gain control of each others assets.
  9. I'm a "Hero", which is to say, I don't engage other players until they act aggressively toward myself or another "non-aggressive" survivor. I also help other survivors via transfusions, supplies, helping them escape the zeds, etc.