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About jorgeramirez281@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jorgeramirez281@gmail.com

    tradin 3 grenades for ghillie and tent

    just addedyou my names jorge ramirez
  2. jorgeramirez281@gmail.com

    tradin 3 grenades for ghillie and tent

    pdw w/magz + 3 grenades for ghillie and tent
  3. jorgeramirez281@gmail.com

    tradin 3 grenades for ghillie and tent

    been lookin for tent and ghillie forever now so i decided to try this also throwin in a pdw w/magz
  4. jorgeramirez281@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hi im in need of immediate attention from one of your medics plz i have blurry vision and low on blood i managed to get to cherno and grab a bloodpack from the hospital across from the apt building but was chased away by a bandit tryin to kill me so now im in a cherno low on blood and nearly blind plz pm me i could rlly use ur help thanks alot to TMW Orange and Kabc for comin into the city to save me nice friendly ppl! thnxs for saving me! good people doin a great service!
  5. jorgeramirez281@gmail.com

    BattleEye update Failed?

    ive installed all the latest software of DayZ (i think) and right before i enter the game it tells me battleEye: Failed to update and that i was kicked off whats my problem? i am a new user so i might have gottan installation wrong or i might need another update please help and much appreciated