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Jesus_Christ (DayZ)

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About Jesus_Christ (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jesus_Christ (DayZ)

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Can you please define, "a while"? While waiting for my buddy to return to his corpse, I was watching and defending. But when he got there the body had de-spawned. It would be nice to know how long corpses last in the world to gauge if it is worth making the trek.
  2. Jesus_Christ (DayZ)

    Alice pack in the outhouse. LET ME LOVE YOU!

    It's incredibly rare if I am able to get a prompt to be able to pickup items in an outhouse. I don't want to play with the outhouse door! I want the loot!
  3. Jesus_Christ (DayZ)

    Feedback: 1.5.8 Zombie Spawn

    I agree with most of the sentiments in this thread. After 1.5.8 zed density seems to have decreased but the zed spawn rate seems to have increased. At least in my experience. Just yesterday, I was reconnecting due to the FPS issue while two of my buddies were looting a small industrial area. They eventually grabbed some agro and started to pop off some zeds, eventually they spent all their ammo trying to fight their way out of the area because the zeds would spawn right on top of them. This wasn't even a big area. Although the spawn rate can be revisited the zed density was GREAT the way it was before. Moving through a village was intense! My play style (when solo, which is often) has always been the sneaky sneaky type, I would use my weapons as a last resort when it comes to zeds.
  4. Jesus_Christ (DayZ)


    You're welcome buddy. <3
  5. Jesus_Christ (DayZ)

    An open letter to the silent majority

    Silent majority checking in. No longer silent. I agree with everything the OP said. Me and two other friends recently joined this game, and since then have had such a blast. We have internal discussions about the workings of the game all the time. I guess we should post about it as well. Thanks, Rocket and team. (Team Rocket?)