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Pro ficient Z

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About Pro ficient Z

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    Well since I'm registered with this site, I think it's safe to assume DayZ is at least one of them. :p

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  1. Pro ficient Z

    No Gas, No Ass, Everyone Flies for Free.

    What's your In-game name? and what server was it on? I don't recognize your Forum tag, It's possible I picked you up, I have picked up several people today lol. Those that actually realize that there's not a whole lot I can do to screw them over as far as just offering them a ride haha.
  2. Pro ficient Z

    No Gas, No Ass, Everyone Flies for Free.

    Well it's good to know at least someone's using the Bridge's for shelter other than the homeless. It's a game man, The sooner you realize that the sooner you will start enjoying, Instead of walking around all paranoid that Slender man is gonna jump and and steal your bean's lol. First of all when people fire weapon's in the city's the gun shot's Attract Zombie's. So then we try and help by killing the Zombie's but people hear the gun's firing and see the Zombie's they get scared and run right into our LOF, (I'm Assuming you belong to this group) Do I think I'm cool just because I have a Helicopter?!? Not one bit! Am I the type of person who would shoot you as soon as I seen you? Yup! Would I bother looting you? Nope! Would I turn around and give your friend (Doubtful you have any of those Judging by your attitude) all my stuff Just to help him? Yup! How many shit's do I give about your opinion? Enough to make you look like a idiot.
  3. Pro ficient Z

    No Gas, No Ass, Everyone Flies for Free.

    The Island Is patched if you log out there it will spawn you back at the coast FYI, I am full on aware how time consuming it is to repair a chopper, That's why I have help from all the people in my group. AS50's can bring a helicopter down very fast I am very aware of that, But last time I checked there's AS50's everywhere. With the constant server restart's who cares if the Helicopter get's shot down, It will be back where you found it in at top's 6 hour's. I honestly don't care If I was a fresh spawn and a group of people flew up in a helicopter and asked me if I wanted a ride I would jump on the opportunity, Whether it was hacked in or not, Its not like I hacked it in lol, Plus if it get's me from Point A to Point B that's all that really matter's. (At least to me)
  4. Seriously I have never seen so many people run away before I started trying to help out fresh spawns by picking them up Via my helicopter. Seriously what do you new spawn's have to lose? Everytime I try and pick one of you up no matter how many time's I say "Hey man, I'm friendly need a ride?" We always end up having to light you guys up with the M240's... Just get the fuck in the chopper and tell us where you want to go. Don't try and kill us with your lame ass Makarov's. It doesn't even faze the helicopter or any of us inside of it anyway's, All it actually does is get yourself killed.
  5. Pro ficient Z

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    My current character has been alive since 8/9/12 I have had the same Mountain dew can in my backpack since 8/11/12. (Just to test this theory.) But since your looking for Stories about bad luck, Here's one for you. About a week ago I was running to meet up with a buddy of mine who was in Elektro, I stopped in the Pub to get him some supplies, Right next to the counter I see a Mountain Dew can, So I start walking over to it. Right before I get to it, someone run's through the curtain behind counter and pick's it up. So I dare him to drink it, As soon as I heard the Oh-so-familiar Crack-Pop of him opening the can, I shot him in the head. In my experience Mountain Dew is only bad luck, If you lack common sense.
  6. Pro ficient Z

    All players with vehicles are hackers?

    Lmfao at all vehicles are hacked in, In the last 4 day's alone I have fully repaired and refueled 5 Helicopter's and flew them each for over five hour's. Granted I have a group of 4 people helping me but even with server restart's it takes us maybe 45 minutes to get a helicopter fully repaired and in the air. The key to it is, Once you have the vehicle up and running use it to stock up on parts for the next one. After about the second vehicle you will start having more part's than you know what to do with. There's a rhythm to repairing vehicles and unfortunately you just haven't found that rhythm yet. Many people have listed numerous step's to getting vehicles up and running. I have gotten god only know's how many vehicles up and running all by myself but no matter how prepared you are, You will never match the speed soloing it as you would with a group. Just my 2¢.
  7. Pro ficient Z

    Wanting to Trade.

    Need sandbag's. Let me know what you want for them.
  8. Some server's set the vehicles to re-spawn upon server restart. Other's don't Honestly it's a coin toss, I am one of those vehicle hoarder's you were talking about lol, But my group play's on a low pop server, I do have to say I have ran from Elektro to NW Airfield more than a few time's. As a Matter of fact I wont take the helicopter out unless my full group is on. Lol.
  9. I have a small group of player's, Four to be exact. (myself Included) What we (Or more or less myself) are looking for is a player (Or Player's) who play's regularly. Our Age's range from 17 at the youngest to 26 at the oldest. I myself am 22. Your age doesn't matter, It's your personality I care about. To be completely honest my group lack's my flexible Work/School Schedule. So I have been left in charge of making sure that when everyone is on we all have plenty of Supplies/Vehicle's are all in working order. There's only a few thing's you need to know about us. 1: We are not Bandit's per-say although we do actively engage other player's every time we encounter them, How we handle the situation depend's on how we are all feeling at the very moment, For instance, We may give a Random a Fn Fal and send him/her on there way, Or we might shoot them in the knee and watch them crawl around. Or we may just shoot them and loot there stuff. 2: We use Skype. So... Your going to need a working Mic. 3: Myself and my team have some of the best stuff in the game and so should you. (What I mean by that is due to my career choice I have HUGE amount's of free time during the day & night, So in the past two month's I have killed a lot of character's and raided a lot of campsite's, I have also found quite a few Crashed Helicopter's, And looted my fair share of Military Installation's, Due to this I have accumulated A LOT of gear. So just to make thing's a little bit clearer your not going to be the guy in the crew running around with a Enfield while the rest of us are packing L85A2's & M107's I can promise you that.) 4: 80% of the time when everyone is on together there is some manner of shenanigans going on. (What do I mean? Well here's a example. The rest of my group was in our bus on there way to pick me up in Elektro, Apparently they encountered another player riding a bicycle up the road, They rammed the bicycle knocking the player off at which point one of the group member's jumped out to kill the guy, He was standing in front of the bus and started firing the Driver of the Bus another member of our group thought the bus was under fire and more or less ran the other member over who was standing in front of the bus firing at the guy on the bicycle. So for those of you who are all into tactical coordinated type of Teamplay, This probably isn't the group for you. So a good sense of humor and a hell of lot of patience will most likely be needed) 5: There isn't really just one server we play on, I have about 6 camp's all on different server's, ranging from 3 tent's to 7 at the most, So We have numerous "Home" Server's. 6: We are all from the West coast of NA, I don't care where your from, As long as you speak English. 7: If you can Read/Understand all of this including what few "Big" word's I did use, You Automatically meet the minimum requirement for intelligence. If you have any question's or want to join feel free to Pm me either on here or on Steam. My steam Username is Pro_ficient_z
  10. Pro ficient Z

    The Ultimate HQ

    Hmm, I see some serious flaw's with your plan unfortunately. But like bmxdigger said, I'm sure we have all had this Idea at least once. Then we remembered that other people can access the gear inside our tent's.
  11. Pro ficient Z

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    My Dream gear. Red Ryder BB Gun. Hello Kitty Back Pack. Bull Winkle Costume. Red & Yellow Big Wheel. :P