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About pilotvtol

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. pilotvtol

    Pilot Looking for a Clan/Group

    [VoP] Tactical Military Realism Group is Recruiting Please checkout our forum post for more information. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/149491-vop-tactical-military-realism-group-recruiting/
  2. pilotvtol

    Looking for DayZ partner.

    [VoP] Tactical Military Realism Group is Recruiting Please checkout our forum post for more information. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/149491-vop-tactical-military-realism-group-recruiting/
  3. Thanks for the add MrMcakeyMKayyy, ill be playing with you tonight!
  4. pilotvtol

    Coming back, looking for a clan for pvp

    Hey, If you are looking for a epoch team to join, check out Vision of Perfection Community. Become part of a team, a family which sticks together in a server with 5 different clans to create bases and take part in epic battles. • Steam Page : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/VisionOfPerfection Add me as a friend on steam by finding me ([VoP] PilotVtol) in the steam group and we can get you setup on TeamSpeak and start playing. I personally play around 5:30pm - 10:30pm EST. Thank you and hope to play with you soon PilotVtol Commanding Officer Vision Of Perfection