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Posts posted by team_player

  1. Its loud, bare that in mind, thats basicly only thing you need to remember everytime you fire it.. Its very accurate, and the fire rate is ok, but if you a spamming the trigger, its not that accurate anymore

    Yeah how loud would you say, lee einfield loud or shotgun loud or like how many zombie radius metres?

  2. Hey people I recently picked up my first decent rifle the M14 AIM and my mate got an FN FAL, I like long range better, anyway we looted these idiots tents and well if your those people thanks for the stuff. Now yes I understand you lose your gear but I honestly don't want to lose the M14 AIM right away just shooting off a load of shit shots. So any info you can provide on using the gun and so on would be appreciated. I've looked at all the stats but they aren't real experience they can't give you feedback like people can. So please explain. :)

  3. Hey I was currently in a deer stand around the stary sobor western area and it glitched so I fell out and broke and fractured my legs. I continued crawling for a while and the fractures went away but what I wont to know is do breaks also go away or do they require morphine or some medical things? Thanks in advance and I don't want guesses knowledge only.
