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Everything posted by team_player

  1. team_player

    why are so many children playing this game?

    Honestly these kinda games were made for the ages of about 12-30, it has nothing to do about age is has to do about maturity. I'm 15 but I know how it feels I play a completely strategical game and think smart. Where as I have played with younger people who seem extremely immature and make me want to come out of the screen and punch them. But I have found other much younger people with a much higher level of maturity so honestly it's not about age and being scared of a few little graphics everyone knows its a game. It's about maturity.
  2. team_player

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    Sorry to say I'm gonna get you in my sights and not waste my time thinking if I should shoot you or not, I'll just pull the trigger
  3. team_player

    i love nz 24

    hahahaha good work dude occasionally play this server as well
  4. team_player

    As I was adventuring, something...odd? Happened

    I swear you are all getting hacked for a reason, your not playing on main servers. Main servers have more security and is therefore less chance of getting hacked and nuked. I only got nuked once and that was on the least populated US server I could find, another thing is that I find AU servers get hacked so much less. So yeah that's just what I think
  5. team_player

    Ghillie suit bug

    Could have been a hacked in ghillie suit, which causes certain servers to kill you and so on.
  6. team_player


    Dude honestly if they made barbed wire that easy it would be pointless since anyone could get rid of it, why not like someone else suggested have a day limit up on there that way only active squads can keep there areas.
  7. team_player

    Newest Updates

    Yeah sorry I can't see it atm my DayZ computer is getting repairs so thanks for the info and that car wheel clamp is a good idea
  8. team_player

    First sniping experiences

    SENS you rip that stuff, your a shredder and this is an awesome post.
  9. So you read the title and are thinking WTF is this $#!^ well let me care to explain. I'm looking for a group of 6 people in Australia who hope to become part of a team, we are going to be making youtube videos and functioning as a team on mostly Australian servers until dark falls, well until we get NV anyway. If your interested post on here as well as adding me on steam: A_6_year_old If you are interested in the kind of teamwork we are looking for watch this
  10. Hey I'll add you now sorry I just saw this again recently we have one last spot after you
  11. team_player

    The Hunger Games

    This was just a thought that I was having while watching an awesome video on youtube. I thought it would be cool for me to present my idea :) . So I was thinking how cool would it be if a server was created with a 50 player limit and as soon as you were in you were stuck in until you died much like the hunger games. So it would work with 2-3 moderators watching over and trying to cause people to run into each other alot like the hunger games in a way they would be able to spawn stuff and so on, it just sounds like an awesome idea. So when you have to sleep you would actually have to try and find a safe spot to sleep so you don't get killed at night. Just an idea but tell me what you all think.
  12. team_player

    The Hunger Games

    Didn't know it had been suggested and minecrraft is crap. Just thought it would be interesting even fo spectators to watch
  13. team_player

    90% Bandits, 5% Hackers, 5% Survivors?

    The thing is your being a stereotypical a$$ saying something like that, yes I am a bandit but bandits come in all different shapes and sizes. I don't shoot people who are unarmed or I wont shoot something if they have an axe and have a decent distance I only kill those who are a threat is that so bad. I also kill people who are trying to kill the unarmed
  14. We play because it's a good and fun game its also always changing as you start at different places and learn different routes and so on.
  15. team_player

    Common camp locations?

    Easy spots for beginners to search is the west side of the map going from the bottom to the north, there is a large amount of camps towards the north. These are just overall hacker free environments, due to how close they are it's not like hackers to go so close to noob spawns but it is still a frequent area.
  16. team_player


    You let yourself bleed out and start again
  17. team_player

    Team Sniper - French Story

    Yeah it's called the copy and paste options really not hard to do and stops accidental advertising
  18. Well as the title suggests I'm looking from the cherno sniper on AU48, it was the one who took about 20 shots in the middle of cherno not really a good idea, just curious as to what the hell you were doing me and my mate were just watching cherno thinking about coming to get you haha, well hopfully we find him.
  19. team_player

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    I usually find that while doing something like this once teamed up I acknowledge to the person that if they really are going to kill me I would rather they just told me what they want and I give it to them makes life easier, also I'm a shoot on site guy when it comes to fair grounds (not shooting/killing unarmed men/women)
  20. team_player

    Advice for the NW Airfield?

    Personally if you had done some research there is honestly not much of a point of going north if you expect to die because of the fact that the percentages of getting gear from military spots are the same, why not do the smart thing and go into balota yes there are a few more military spots at the northern airfields but it's not really worth it until your decently geared and looking for something fun to do, no point getting halfway and getting shot. My opinion
  21. OKAY NOW IF YOUR A MOD READING THIS I HAVE HAD TO WRITE THIS 3 TIMES TO FINALLY GET IT UP GO ASK PEOPLE WHO KNOW ABOUT THIS OKAY BEFORE YOU GO AROUND LOCKING PEOPLE'S THREADS. Now I've had my rant Recently within the DayZ forums I have noticed alot of metaphorical nuns hiding your little virginity away, GET SOME BEANS, start sharing your bloody beans if you find something funny as piss or just think I take my hat off to you sir, well then give them some beans. Unsew your pussies and share the love lose that little nun virginity and give out the beans. "Sharing is caring" Direct quote from preschool teacher I wouldn't mind taking those beans off your hands as well
  22. I am Zeus bow before me bitches
  23. team_player

    Help Please?

  24. team_player

    New Player story/experience

    I take my hat off to you sir, unlike most of these nuns you have balls have some beans. Also I would like to invite you to my group please message me if you are interested, btw we aren't a bunch of pussies
  25. Are you fucking kidding me, who needs a suicide button you idiot. Go into electro, cherno or just run into a bunch of zombies and let them eat your brains out not that hard, or run round in main sitting shooting like a lunatic yelling for General Aladeen. [user warned. -Max]