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Everything posted by team_player

  1. team_player

    Urgent! I'm giving away a ghillie suit.

    cmon how bout we don't give you civilian clothing? I can give you camo clothing. Please dude need that ghillie, I'm at 054-054 south of NW airfield
  2. team_player


    Three strikes and I'm out
  3. team_player

    Hacked in weapons in DE 1238

    Dude I got the same thing, a crazed hacker was chasing me with a hatchet and I finally got away looted one of his spawned vechiles to kill him with his own weapons, got admin kicked for hacking. Then I go yell and scream on their teamspeak and they put me back in only to have me shot in the head on spawn as I was respawned in the middle of electro with like the best guns possible, such BS. Admins stop being lazy.
  4. team_player

    Looking for a weapon with thermal sights

    Honestly you must be joking, no one in there right mind would trade a thermal weapon, it's like the greatest weapon imaginable, it's like a nuke in the real world.
  5. team_player

    The best idea/suggestion yet.

    ^ You sir stand for the same things as me and for that reason deserve BEANS, so give him your beans and let him swim in beans
  6. team_player


  7. Hey if any of you are interested come and add me and we can play together when I get a chance to show you the ropes http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  8. team_player

    [EcF] Elite Combat Forces

    Such a load of crap with this 21+ junk. If anyone needs a mate other than skins, I'm here http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  9. team_player

    Trading antibiotics for middle-high class rifle or ghillie suit

    Are you FU$*%&^ kidding me? Honestly you must have issues if you think painkillers (real name for them) are worth any of those things. You should stop being a wimp asking for stuff on forums and go get it yourself.
  10. team_player

    Lee Enfield or Double Barrel?

    Don't listen to this stupidity, get the Lee Einfield and use it because it's an amazing beginner medium distance weapon. All you need to know if your going to use it is how to avoid zombies which every decent player should know.Also shooting from rooftops does cause less zombies to get you (less not none).
  11. team_player

    what do you like busy or none?

    I usually go into servers with around 20 people minimum 40 people maximum. Unless I need to get somewhere really fast and I go on an abandoned server.
  12. team_player

    Looking for some people to play with.

    Hey dude I'm always up for a game add me on steam, goes for everyone http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  13. team_player

    Interesting run in with hackers...

    They are the best kind of people they are the type of people who see guys and are like well we don't need this gear anymore we want to start playing again so instead of blowing shit up lets give it to a nice group of guys, yes these people exist.
  14. team_player

    Looking for a Group

    hey dude I respect everything you just said http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold I've already got a team but it's always good to play with other people as well and who knows you might one day become part of the team :)
  15. team_player

    team up? tired of kids and hackers

    Dude honestly okay so everyone's complaining about playing with kids but honestly kids are allowed to play these games, I'm 15 and I have more military strategy in my balls than most 15 year olds have in there whole body so honestly it has nothing to do with age. Add kids see what there like and either play or don't play with them, I had a immature bunch of about 5 of them around the age of 12-14 they just didn't have any brains. It just depends on the person, so suck it (haha slightly immature) .
  16. team_player

    Now what?

    This is my list [X] Get gear and AS50 [X] Create Squad [ ] Make Squad Campsite [ ] Go round as a badass squad making youtube videos getting vechiles and shooting shit
  17. He didn't want search bar stuff he wanted an answer No we already playing probably wont get it for free but it's worth buying trust me in a few weeks I've learnt heaps that I would have taken so long in the standalone it's better if you know what your doing and can get right into right away instead of messing with learning the basics. So don't be cheap pay the $30
  18. team_player

    PCGN Hit List - Bandits for Hire

    I don't hack I just dislike the way stopping hackers is done. Also I wouldn't bypass servers I would join your server normally, get my AS50 and put a bullet in your head
  19. You know if you could offer me a 9-5 gaming career I would be just a tad more interested. I know you want me so here I am http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold http://www.youtube.com/user/wancyrox Jokes dude, just cause you got subscribers don't mean you got views, get some views first and then people will be more interested.
  20. team_player

    PCGN Hit List - Bandits for Hire

    How bout I just shoot the $#!^ out of you. Sound good?
  21. team_player

    The Day my balls went wild (M Rated)

    Has anyone else heard of this guy?
  22. team_player

    The Day my balls went wild (M Rated)

    hahaha I sniped with an einfield for a while when I was in Electro, but no it's a legitimate AS50 no thermal. Shit all ammo though should probably go to a really really low pop server and check the NW airfield. This is actually the most like heart racing thing I've ever done it was crazy
  23. team_player

    You know?

    Stop being idiots and read Hey dude well for me I'm always sure to turn my sound to the way I need them which is, music and unecessary crap down, SFX full. This way I can hear bullets my mates never hear. Also I use headphones so I can tell which side noise comes from and so on. Gangsters represent
  24. team_player

    The Day my balls went wild (M Rated)

    Nah I took his gun he only had an AS50 oh and HELL YEAH I GOT MY FIRST AS50