To me, it is always genuinely surprising to see this kind of behaviour in people coupled with the type of reasoning that goes with it. It reads no different from someone saying: "I hate it when someone is late, but this one guy is always late to our meetings, so from now on I'll be late every time, too." Now why on earth would I want to go through with such a thing? Sure, perhaps once or a few times, maybe hoping to make him get the point assuming everything else has failed, but on a general basis, why would I want to engage in behaviour to which I've confessed being opposed? That'll just lower me in my own eyes. (And, in my particular example, it would mean I was late with everything else, since I was constantly lagging behind, so it would spread to other areas of my life, too.) I refuse to be a bandit because that's not how I want to live my life, that's not who I want to be. Obviously a lot of people feel differently, and so playing DayZ for any length of time is quickly going to teach you to be wary around people you don't know, but that's not a bad skill to have in general, nor does it mean you should imitate the behaviour of those you find to be bad. Unless of course it turns out that what bothers most players about banditry is merely the negative consequence it brings to their games and to their lives, and the best way to turn that around is to perpetuate the same behaviour and simply exist on the other side of the equation. But that just means such players never truly had any moral foundation dictating how they feel on this topic. They weren't really bothered by theft, only by being stolen from.