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About atromix

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  1. atromix

    VAC going live

    Or a game with anticheat.
  2. atromix

    VAC going live

    You're right, hacking may be more limited in scale than it was with the mod as of right now. Which is exactly why VAC needs to be actually on now so things like your suggestion of a better looting system and other game mechanics can be worked on. Anticheat, however, needs to be given priority number one so that it doesn't turn into the fiasco like the mod did in this respect. You can post, oh boy this topic again, or whatever and not help, but when the hacking gets really bad because VAC still isn't on, you'll know it should have been a priority early on. That is my 2 cents all in all. It needs priority. EDIT: To address your other point of developers being able to patch security vulnerabilities and create better protection against scripters, the same amount of development occurs with those exploiting vulnerabilities and using scripts. The more downtime from VAC leads to scripters being able to perfect their scripts before they're unable to test them in a live environment, which is exactly why it's better to solve this issue early on rather than later when it's a major issue.
  3. atromix

    VAC going live

    I understand having broken game functionality, and overall an unfinished, unpolished game, I bought it expecting these things and have no problem whatsoever with it. However hacking is another thing entirely, and VAC should be a priority or this game will wind up exactly where the mod does in this respect, dead and hacked to death. I paid 30 dollars to help with development and watch the development process in the works. However I can't test the game for that purpose if others are exploiting vulnerabilities with memory editing software. If you're going to publicly announce that VAC is active, it should be that way, ACTIVE. Not off.
  4. atromix

    VAC going live

    It's not. Hopefully it will be in the next 24 hours.
  5. atromix

    VAC going live

    So there has been very little doubt that the initial VAC launch was unsuccessful to say the least. When are we going to have an actual AntiCheat solution for the hacking problems MANY people are facing right now? I'm not playing the game anymore until VAC is ACTUALLY ON. Please sideline everything until VAC is stable with DayZ, or you're going to lose sales and probably receive chargebacks. (From me included)
  6. atromix

    800+ Sniper Kill!

    Trying hitting a moving 800m+ target in Cherno, then i'll be impressed. The shit you did has no skill at all. (Point, Zero, Click)
  7. atromix

    US 2010 hacker "Trent"

    Why don't you screenshot or record some proof then?
  8. No, it keeps it interesting to have to use another entrence to a building, or miss one completely. (Unless you have a toolbox that is)
  9. atromix


    Currency would ruin the game, stick with bartering please