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About b101_uk

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    On the Coast
  1. b101_uk

    Turn off dropping items while swimming :/

    NOT all canned food even with the weight of the can vs. contents weight vs. displacement end up with a combined SG >1 e.g. Tins of sweet corn float. Tins of beans (in tomato sauce) only just sink. Tins of beans in tomato sauce with sausages in only just float. Quick empirical test from tins in my cupboard! ;) Bandages: Military bandage packs are water-proof and have significant displacement for their weight. Chemical-lights: Float Water bottles etc - plastic: Float as normally they are not brimmed totally full and the contents has the same specific gravity as the water outside. Wood-piles: Float. Backpacks: Many military/civilian backpacks have waterproof bags/sacks, e.g. the ALICE, which it is normal to remove from your back when fording deep water to use as a float – given its total displacement normally gives it a SG <1 Given military Backpacks are between 40L and 100L then for each 1L of displacement will counter just under # 1kg (2.204lb) of total mass. # = 1kg would be neutral buoyance.
  2. b101_uk

    Weapon Cleaning and Degrading.

    And the cleaning kit for the Lee Enfield should take up 0 slots in the inventory, as the cleaning kit lives in the butt of the stock under the flip-up brass cap in RL, it also applies to other military guns too e.g. the AK47/AK74/AR-15/M16/FN FAL to name but a few.
  3. b101_uk

    let me drink from lake/tap without a bottle

    Just give the function for on-the-spot drinking to an empty food tin can held in the inventory so acts as a quasi-cup. Could be built on as other things get added, like empty food tin cans used with fires for boiling the water (sterilisation) or (packets of dried soup + water + fire = hydration and food), while empty drinks bottles like the JD one get used for chemical water sterilisation (tablets etc) The canteen should only really be of use for transporting extra water to drink from while tin cans cannot transport water but allow water to be drunk (& later use with fires). Perhaps categorise water as: Water wells in town = drinkable with high risk #1 of zombie infection – needs sterilisation. Water in ponds = drinkable with medium risk #1 of dysentery/etc infection – needs sterilisation or multiple antibiotic dose over time. Water reservoir (water held behind a wall)= drinkable with low risk #1 of minor infection – needs sterilisation or single antibiotic dose. Sea water = drinkable but hydration last 1/2 the amount of time AND each subsequent drink of seawater last 1/2 of the prior hydration time, i.e. the 4th successive drink would e.g. be 6.25% the hydration time of fresh water (must be able to go into negative values so can kill by dehydration) - can be desalinated with rare item of equipment + fire. #1 = risk diminishes the longer the survivor/bandit lives – so after X period of play or X number of sterilisation’s or X completed antibiotic dose immunity is granted. (immunity via not sterilising and using antibiotic dose should happen faster than immunity where sterilisation has been used)
  4. While I wouldn’t like to see a pistol etc as a starting weapon, the player should given ALL forms of argument/logic start with an improvised weapon akin to what could be found or made from what would be in/around an average house/garden (given most people would have emanated from a house/home). i.e. like kitchen knife, kitchen knife attached to a stick (improvised lance), garden fork (straightened prongs), garden spade (flattened out with sharp edges), pick axe, club made from pick axe handle, pitch fork (straightened prongs), normal small hand axe, large axe (like in game already), ballpein/claw/lump hammer, sledge hammer, baseball bat, screwdriver (crosshead), crowbar (like in game already), etc, etc. As none of the above have ammo it would reduce the PvP killing at spawn points vs. if people had e.g. pistol as starting weapons, plus they are not ranged weapons so just running away would work! My own personal gripe, is the stupidity of needing a water receptacle to drink fresh water, or the perversity of so far dyeing only ever from dehydration because of the lack of receptacle even though you pass lakes/ponds/water pumps/etc, I have yet to find a canteen in game which should only ever be of use if you wish to transport extra water rather than just drinking on the spot, if the game requires “something” to be used in the inventory to drink on the spot, why not assign that function to the empty cans or JB bottles! As for using external maps showing the location of object spawns, I would consider that cheating vs. just using the basic printable BIS Chernarus map.