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Everything posted by stonewire

  1. stonewire

    Vilayer New Hive and Map updates

    Namalsk still has some issues loading. The config file in the server cp is missing. At least for our server it is.
  2. The absolute easiest fix for all of our guys was to change @dayzfallujah to @dayz and just add original to the dayz folder. No more changes to anything required. Then when we went to regular servers we just changed the folder names back. to fix for steam... program files/steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/@dayz folders
  3. stonewire

    Banned from Born to Lose Private Hive

    Have you actually read my posts...i seriously doubt it. We had 2 official and still have a private... The only point i was trying to make is it is easier to get a hold of an admin on an official server than it is to find the admin of a private... Unless they wish to post it. We rarely banned for anything other than skids on our servers. I wish most servers did follow all the rules but you and i both know that some admins just don't care. If he had messaged me about it (had it been my server) I would have investigated just like i would hope you would too. The only thing we are doing for him now is keeping this post alive so the admin might see it. Now you can dissect my post any way you see fit, but please get beyond being a child and calling people idiots. We can disagree like adults. I admit my tone was bad... but i was just finishing the logs and my brain was probably still irritated. I apologize to OP for tone.
  4. stonewire

    Banned from Born to Lose Private Hive

    You answered your own question...its a private hive... you are gone that is it... if it was an official you might have a chance to find out why you were kicked/banned. Being it was private hive your stuff belongs to the server again. If you want to complain and get somewhere with it join a public server. If you want to be laughed at, complain that you have been banned from a private server. If you act entitled on a private server you will get no help. Now if you go to an official and play the dayz official server rules you should be fine... Another tip...gather proof ....lots
  5. stonewire

    Bad CD- Invaild CD Key.

    Been watching you tube videos lately hmmm? just a question Check Battleye There was an issue with people trying to get hacks and having their keys stolen...
  6. To whom it may concern, For the last few months we had 3 servers, 2 that were dayz official hive(script kiddies galore) and a vilayer hive server(brutal as well). The past few nights have ruined it for many of our group members. So we shutdown the dedicated dayz hive servers. We didn't want too but we feel like why should we pay out of pocket for someone to enjoy stealing that fun from us. I decided to password protect the vilayer server on the weekends. Will it help? We don't know but they seem to come on the most during the weekends. They are ruining our fun so I will try to take some from them. will we keep the servers down forever...undecided... if there is no fix to the current state of script kiddie action, then most likely they will be down indefinitely. I know that we are only 3 of 4K plus servers. But maybe more will take a stance on the skids game time. Do i want to take the servers away from the community... no i never wanted it to come to that... but my lack of patience to deal with the skids overwhelms my desire to spend countless hours pouring over logs to keep skids off the servers. During my typical 5 hours of gameplay, 2 and half spent keeping server clean for players to have fun 1 hour of playing to have another skid come in and take everyones cars, break legs and just be an over entitled douche. After that it's clean up your bagillion sand bags and wire. Oh can't forget the tank traps.... It's a survival game. What part of that makes you want to bypass all the real fun and go straight to being a skid. Don't get me wrong.. i did enjoy banning you from our servers and submitting the correct info needed to push your ban along to the right people. Then when i see that pretty "global ban %^$&*" next to your name. There are no words to descibe how good it feels. I do want to know how you explain to mom and dad why you need the game again, or parts for that matter. Oh you don't because you stole the game anyhow...and tell your folks you need your pc upgraded for school. I have decided to contact a psychologist and have her make a profile for gamers and tendencies. Yeah i am going that far... I do want pvp combat on our servers but we want it on a level playing field. Thank you for reading my rant. Sorry for spelling ambien kicking in. Stonewire.sx3 P.s. you are welcome to come on the server...you just have a few questions to answer. :)
  7. Its getting to the point of trying to make a "dayzharmony.com" and finding people that fit your bandit style. :)
  8. stonewire

    Message about server being locked.

    As a server owner that was both official and unofficial. Official, you agree to the Dayz rules of hosting... that's it end of discussion. I was ok with that and if letting skids go rampant for the sake of learning the mechanisms they are using to cheat was fine with me as well. I just got to a point where i was cleaning skids more than playing. I bought Arma because i like mil sims, got the expansions because i found the game fun. Dayz comes around ....took the game i liked and made it better. Were there hackers in arma ...hell yeah there were but most of them were in the closet hoping nobody caught them. Of course you always have the deliberate dick running around but they were easy to spot and deal with. We closed our officials...and when the day comes that the hacking is less( i have faith in the anti-cheat) Then most likely we will reopen those servers. I remember back in the days of America's Army game when the admins had enough and banded together. Community ban lists are one thing. The admins coming together and sharing the issues with the anti cheat and the devs working together to clean it up. That was something. Looks like we are headed in that direction. Overall Dayz has a solid community. At least to me it does. You have the fanboys and the naysayers. Admins and forum mods pulling hair out. Cheaters and skids bitching about global bans. And we are all still here hoping that the game gets better over time. The game will have its ups and downs..(mod). right now all the people who got it but are not that hardcore are starting to get bored and leave. i am ok with that. Some are getting sick of the rampant cheating. I locked my unofficial for that reason. I plan to stick around for awhile and see where the game goes. I like playing on other peoples servers and enjoy the teamwork of the Reddit Rescue Rangers just to add some excitement to the game. I will try to find ways to enjoy it rather than sit and bitch.... I hope that most of you will do the same. Stonewire.sx3
  9. stonewire

    takistan loot map?

    There is a map but it doesn't have the interactive features like the other maps out there. http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=11642 also do you happen to play under the name lewisuk-----------s ? (I'll leave the rest out) If you do, i think it was our private server you were on tonight. Come on back, we try to keep it fun.