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Everything posted by sarlac

  1. sarlac

    Probably A Really Nooby Question

    Direct is the only one that matters and the range is 40m the next update requires the beta patch and all the other modes are disabled
  2. sarlac

    newbie questions

    I find it odd that it seems most of the "help" in this new player forum seems to come from other new players. This results in a lot of half truths or misinformation. This is not an attack. Just an observation. I guess more experienced players just aren't looking in here.
  3. sarlac

    Hospital glass?

    All you have to do is break the DOOR glass. The doors are under the awning with the arrows on them. Two or three shots will do it. Or the can trick works too. Don't waste time on the roof or shooting the windows.
  4. sarlac

    Character wipe for new patch?

    I would like to start with NOTHING! Imagine if you had to find a weapon before you could even defend yourself. That would be great. Before anyone says I have nothing, my group has control of nearly every vehicle on the server we play on. I'm carrying mp5sd6 m9sd and camo gps etc... Our camp is loaded. If it all got wiped and we had to start over I wouldn't mind. Having tons of gear is great but building the camp and massing loot was fun. We don't dupe or server hop. We go on organized group raids.
  5. sarlac

    This game live up to the hype?

    Yes, yes it does.
  6. This thread is amazing...
  7. I'm nearly 40 and have been gaming since I was 5. No one I know ever called in game characters "Toons". http://www.urbandictionary.com/#define?term=Toon
  8. sarlac

    I found a Radio

    I think the Winchester is more a Shaun o the dead ref than a nod to fo3
  9. sarlac

    Refueling a boat in water?

    Find another boat, use it to get close to the one that needs fuel. You can safely refuel it while in the water between the two boats. Obviously you'll need a second player or you'll still have to swim back out to get one of the boats. You won't drop your gear if you are not in the water for more than a few seconds.
  10. There is no real reason that you can't use normal rounds in a suppressed weapon IRL. The advantage as someone said a moment ago is subsonic rounds travel slower so there is no crack as the round goes supersonic. This whole thing is poorly modeled in the game. IRL subsonic rounds are quieter but also slower, impact with less force, and can cause feed issues in recoil operated weapons. Dedicated suppressed weapons have lighter components to be sure they will cycle properly. Also, suppressors have to be cleaned after a few hundred rounds. Junk builds up in the baffles and can cause issues. Then there is the wet vs dry suppressor topic. A 9mm handgun with a dry suppressor with subsonic ammo will be around 130db. That's still pretty loud. With a wet suppressor you can subtract maybe another 10 or 15db. So even under ideal conditions you'll hear the pop from medium range. It's just not AS loud. By comparison standard ammo in a non suppressed 9mm is around 160db. Interesting reading on the topic http://www.mendsavunma.com.tr/dynamic/images/firearm_sound_suppression-b&t.pdf http://www.angelfire.com/art/enchanter/hush.html
  11. Or.. Do this, one file to rule them all. http://cdn.armafiles.info/installer/dwarden-simpler-installers/DayZ-online-with-shortcuts.exe It installs everything dayz and oa beta and creates desktop shortcuts. It starts in window mode. Alt+enter on menu to go full screen or remove the -window from the Cmd files
  12. (issue resolved) I had a bad cmd launcher for the beta apparently
  13. sarlac

    Cigarettes to calm down ?

  14. sarlac

    Lumberjack Simulator?

    I played in daylight for around 5 hours yesterday morning, I was almost constantly on the move but never saw my temp drop below 98.
  15. Interested... "Sarlac" in steam and in game hit me up whenever.
  16. sarlac

    Swimming bug?

    I believe I read that your gear falls to the bottom. I suppose you should not have such a loose grip on your gear or you may lose it when swimming.
  17. sarlac

    Day Z mod updater

    Pay up sucker! :)
  18. sarlac

    Day Z mod updater

  19. sarlac

    Iron sight zeros

    I get how the ballistics should work. What seems off is the degree of adjustment needed. And with sd ammo which I assume is intended to simulate subsonic rounds, you should see more drop due to lower velocity. The OP makes it sound like its backward or something. I'll be testing this myself when I get home in the morning.
  20. sarlac


    Disable in game global voice unless players have a radio they have found. Local should still work though.
  21. sarlac

    Iron sight zeros

    This is troubling news...