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calzonius the friendly

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About calzonius the friendly

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    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Blood transfusions
    Not getting sniped in the face

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  • Bio
    I'm the guy with the bluejeans and a black hat.
  1. calzonius the friendly

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Whoa, I didn't know you could get DayZ to show up in Steam. Where have I been? I've always launched it through dayzcommander...
  2. calzonius the friendly

    Version 1.62.100296 needed

    Yeah, I've recently had the same problem. I used to play through Dayz commander, but then I switched to using Steam so it would record the hours (the play through Steam option on Dayz commander would give me a weird error, so I don't use it). But recently, I can't play multiplayer after launching Arma2 OA on steam because it says my version is 1.62 and I need 1.62.100296. The funny thing is, I can play through Dayz Commander just fine. Any ideas?
  3. Trying to download Tavania right now. I was really into DayZ a few months ago, before I got sick and tired of all the hacking. It totally ruined the game for me. As soon as I finish downloading this map, I would love to play and maybe get together with some of you guys. I'm currently in South Korea teaching English, so the time difference might not work out, but message me if you'd like to play together some time.
  4. calzonius the friendly

    Is there a way to find a bandit camp/bandits in a serveR?

    Also, I'm no expert, but I believe tents need to be pitched on relatively flat ground. Can cars be parked on hillsides? Is there an e-brake function or can they slide down?
  5. calzonius the friendly

    can't seem to find any vehicles (tips)

    And by original spawn points are you referring to the dayz map? I think it says earlier in this thread those points might have changed.
  6. calzonius the friendly

    Heli Crash FAQ

    This is likely a majorly noob question, but if chopper sites only get re-stocked at server restart, is there a way I can tell (on six launcher, dayz commander, in-game) to tell how long a server has been running? I notice sometimes there's a message when you join a server indicating what time of the day a server will restart. Is that the only way? Are there typical (local) times of the day a server will restart?
  7. calzonius the friendly

    can't seem to find any vehicles (tips)

    I can't wait to find a fleet and drop a satchel charge on their hoarding asses.
  8. calzonius the friendly

    Best ping server ive seen!

    I live in Seoul and Dayz Commander regularly tells me my ping is between 5-10. I get some US servers at around 130.
  9. calzonius the friendly

    Flashlight problems

    I had some problems getting my flashlight to work last night. Shortly after spawning on a night server I tried using it, but it would take 3 or 4 times pressing L before it would turn on. I wasn't lagging any more than I usually do, either.
  10. calzonius the friendly

    looking for ppl who play in Japan (Asia) Time Zone!!!

    I'm in Korea and will dabble in the JP servers every now and then. My steam ID is calzonius.
  11. calzonius the friendly

    Looking for players in Seoul, South Korea

    Yeah sounds good. I searched your I'd in steam but nothing came up. Try and add me. Also, have you noticed most of the Korean servers don't spawn vehicles? What's up with that?
  12. Hey guys, I'm looking for some English-speaking players to play on either the Korean servers (KR) or Japanese (JP) servers. I'm usually able to play between 11am - 4pm and 10:30pm - 1am. Steam Id: calzonius in-game name: Callan
  13. calzonius the friendly

    Looking to create a small group.

    Hey, I'm playing all the time in Seoul, usually around 11am-3pm and 10:30pm - 1am. Looking for some English-speaking guys to play with. It gets pretty boring playing solo all the time, and the Koreans are ruthless lol. Also, kidherb, I couldn't find your ID on Steam. Only kidherb1 ?