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Everything posted by imolotov

  1. Same here. Looking for a group to play w/. Preferably folks that are 18 and above. I'm outside of Cherno atm. Steam id: itangra
  2. Hey guys! I'm a DayzMod veteran that quit the original once all the vanilla servers wen't poof. Welp, now that Standalone alpha is out, I'd like to hook up with a team. I'm familiar with all the locations so, meeting up should be no hassle steam id: itangra Oh and I'm 22, if age age is an issue.
  3. imolotov

    Dayz Vet looking for a team.

    Woops, sorry to leave that out. US Eastern. I'm located in Atlanta.
  4. Hey there, we're looking to form a group. There are two of us right now. We prefer mature players at the age of 18+. Skype: ethanolzz or Skype: jakesongray
  5. imolotov

    Looking to form a group.

    bumpity bump
  6. imolotov

    Looking for group

    What's you skype name?
  7. imolotov

    Looking to form a group.

    Is he now? Fascinado. :D