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Everything posted by cobaas@live.ie

  1. Well, as the title says, im looking for some new players to form a group around Chernarus. Playing solo gets old after a while and groups can be a lot more tactical, so anyway leave a comment on this topic and ill reply in pm. Age: Name: Location: Speak English: Play style: Role: Thanks for reading! Have fun!
  2. i had just spawned on the beach near kamenka, and had nothing of use, so i decided to head north into the woods before heading east to cherno, as i was moving i saw something running past the edge of the woods i was in and when i looked closer, it was a bandit, when i got a proper look it turned out to be 3 bandits, as i had no weapons i couldn't shoot them, so i had to be stealthy, for the next 40 odd minutes i was following them, sticking to the woods as much as i could until eventually they stopped at their camp, and then they logged out. i ran down to their tents and stole what i needed, which included an m4 cco sd, an m9 sd, ghillie suit, map, gps, lots of cooked meat, an alice pack, beans and coke, morphine, and a lot of ammo, 6 mags for the m4 and 5 mags for the m9. So stalking bandits paid off! anyone else got any stories about bandits?
  3. cobaas@live.ie

    A little story about me and a group of bandits

    Thats a pretty cool story man, Ben sounds like hes rambo!
  4. cobaas@live.ie

    A little story about me and a group of bandits

    @Hydra haha thats great! bit of payback for us survivors!
  5. i removed the post and sent you a pm instead
  6. cobaas@live.ie

    Looking for some people to join up with

    if theres any room i'll play with you guys im 20, from ireland and looking for a group or people to team up with I don't have a mic right now either (broken) so i just use steam chat
  7. After a few succesful loots i've got some medical supplies that i'm willing to trade Items I have: Blood Bags x2 Epiderms x 2 Morphine auto-injector x 2 A lot of bandages and painkillers I'm Looking for a a ghillie suit in particular, but any offers and i'll see what i can do, also i need an assault / sniper rifle, so post your offers if your interested!
  8. cobaas@live.ie

    Medical Supplies for trade

    yeah i'm a total noob at this, died so many times since i started playing a couple days ago, and i meant epi-pen, don't know why i said epiderms...
  9. cobaas@live.ie

    Trading an SVD Sniper CAMO

    I have DMR mags and G17 mags up for trade, lemme know if you want them! or if you want something in particular just say, i have some other stuff i'll trade to
  10. cobaas@live.ie

    Are heli crashsites completely random

    I found a heli crash site half an hour ago, and there was a dead guy next to it, this is my first heli crash site so i don't know if this is normal or not, anyway he had an as50 (no ammo) so i took it and used it for binoculars, then i put it in my bag, big mistake! it dissapeared and now i don't have it!! was looking forward to using that and all...