Hey guys. I've been playing the mod for a little while now, been making youtube videos of it, everything's great! But there are still some aspects of the game that I'm having trouble grasping, and I'd like to hear your thoughts. 1) Construction. Assuming construction is implemented into the game, how will these structures be saved? Will they move from server to server with the player? And if that's the case, what happens when two players have a structure in the same spot? :-/ Kinda depressing me, because it doesn't seem possible. 2) Vehicles. Same thing as the structures. If I go through the trouble to collect the parts and repair a car, will I simply lose it if I log out? Not sure how this is supposed to work either :-/ 3) Arma 3. When arma 3 comes out will Day Z mod for A2 stop getting support/updates? 4) End game/motivation. I'll admit I've been playing straight bandit, as it's the only logical thing to do. I have no reason to trust anyone, because anyone could cap me when my back is turned. I need some sort of gameplay element that makes me trust other players, otherwise I'm going to be very lonely for the entire time I'm playing. What do you guys think about all this? I find it kind of depressing, as I don't see a lot of things being successfully incorporated into the game.