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Everything posted by michlschnitte

  1. michlschnitte

    Instance ID - How long take it?

    I ordered 10 days ago but didn't get any response. When I go to "My Servers" there's one entry. Did I make any mistake? http://imageshack.us...22814h5032.jpg/ ...and what does "No" mean? (yeah. no means no :-))
  2. michlschnitte

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    Ther's Maximum working threads and Minimum working threads. Do I set them to 4 and 0 (for my quad core) or both to 4?
  3. Hi, how long does it take for dead players to disappear from the server? Could not find any infos. thx.
  4. michlschnitte

    how long for dead bodies to despawn

    ok. thank you!