If you need an experiment this size to figure out that people on the Internet are assholes whenever they can, you probably haven't played many online games yet. Beside that I see a growing "stupidity" amongst players all over the place that partially explain the issues you listed. While in earlier days people actually expected to be challenged by a game and were ready to spend days or even month to understand, learn and master these challenges, people today seem to only want the easy, 15-minute fun with please no obstacles on their way to a guaranteed win. DayZ is only one example that clearly shows how people do not want a challenge at all (even though it can be a lot of fun), others games like ME3, where you can simply buy what you would have to earn otherwise with real money (and boy do they throw their money at BW), show the same trend away from real challenges towards illusionary challenges. What I think is more interesting than the fact that todays gamers are blatantly lazy, is to compare DayZ to Minecraft, which have a lot of similarities if you look a bit behind the graphics and compare the gameplay. The important part is why Minecraft does not have that many issues, and if you think about that for some time, I think that DayZ - in it's essence - can be successful if it is just done right.