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About dangioffre

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  1. dangioffre


    Is there a map of the dayz standalone online?
  2. dangioffre

    Instance ID for new server

    To create a server
  3. I put in a request to get server mission files but it seems no one looks at it for days. How long does it normally take to get the server files?
  4. dangioffre

    What Linux

    What linuxs could I use to run a server on? Centos 5 32Bit Centos 5 64Bit Centos 6 32Bit Centos 6 64Bit Debian 5 32Bit Debian 5 64Bit Debian 6 32Bit Debian 6 64Bit Fedora 15 32Bit Fedora 15 64Bit Ubuntu 11 32Bit Ubuntu 11 64Bit
  5. Well I registered to apply for a server and I got approved I got the server going and I stopped the servers and I wanted to apply for a new one because my VPS IP has changed but I forgot my password. So I did forgot password and they said they sent me an email but I never got it. Not in my inbox or my Spam. I did it yesterday. I did it 3 times. So I registered a new account with a new email and it said it will send me an email to confirm registration and I never got it. I put in a ticket and no reply as of yet. I just want to get approved to run a new server and I am not sure if I need to confirm my email first before I can do that. AnyIdeas?
  6. dangioffre

    Server update question

    I got a vps so that is not a issue., Thanks for the reply guys
  7. I got a email about "DayZ Package MAJOR UPDATE & DayZTakistan " I dont see a link to download the update files.
  8. Host : Tnpgaming.com is looking for members to come and play.
  9. dangioffre

    Need good vps.

    im looking for a VPS not normal game servers
  10. dangioffre

    Need good vps.

    I use nfoservers.com and there good but pricey. I would like to find a place that has good VPS for my dayz server. Any ideas?
  11. The VPS Pc's how are they? I use NFO right now. ehh http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/vilayer.com
  12. dangioffre

    restarting server question

    Thanks guys. Where do I click the save tent/vehicle ecc?
  13. If I restart the server will all Cars and camp tents go away? Is there something I need to fix for everything to save in place?
  14. dangioffre

    Server keeps shuting down

    Got it thanks. 1 more question. My cars restart after server restarts is that normal
  15. I am not sure why it does that but my server keeps shutting down when no one is in it and I have to keep restarting it. ANy Ideas