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Hipax (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hipax (DayZ)

  1. Hi, I'm Hipax, I'm 13, I have steam under the name Hipax, I have battlelog under the name Medic565. I have skype. I have teamspeak. I could install mumble if it's required. I don't care about timezones,as long as you don't care about my age,and I can find a mature [and funny!] group of people to play with. I don't care about vehicles. I don't care about loot. I care about having a good time on DayZ. Yes,I have had vehicles/high end equipment,and yes,I have enjoyed it,But I don't get attached to it. I won't mooch off the clan. I won't grab equipment unless TOLD to or ALLOWED to. I am not a asshole. I will be a hero OR a bandit,I really don't care. I prefer to find my own loot.
  2. Hipax (DayZ)

    Looking for Group or clan with no age limit

    done searching, sorry!
  3. Hipax (DayZ)

    Looking for Group or clan with no age limit

    I will roll with you guys for a bit if you accept me.
  4. IGN?:Hipax Age?:13 Skype?:austin.tehawesome830 Country?:USA Do you have teamspeak?:Yes, I help manage and host my own TS with my father. How many months have you been playing?: 5 months. What are your specialties?:I'm average in all categories. I don't have a certain special aspect, I just play the game.
  5. Hipax (DayZ)

    Starting a group

    Age:13 The country you live in:United States Play style:Bandit. Any role will do. How long you have played DayZ for:At least 4 months.
  6. Hipax (DayZ)

    Looking for Group or clan with no age limit

    Sorry Whendrix, not interested. Also, bump
  7. Hipax (DayZ)

    Looking for Group or clan with no age limit

    im still open, people.
  8. Hey! I'm starting a new private hive hosted from my PC. IT has 25 slots, but I will be adding more soon once I get an exact number of how much my ISP can handle. Feel free to join. BattleYe will be on constantly, however we will sometimes turn it off for special events. If you wait to read the messages that scroll, you can get a stauts if I'm on or if the BE protection is on/off. You can also view Admin/BE status here: BattleYe Status:OFFLINE Admin Status:ONLINE :) Server Status:ONLINE :)
  9. Keep those beans away or i'll take em :)
  10. Hello, I set up the pwn0z0r private dayz server, and I have port forwarded and followed the guidelines correctly. Players can join my server, and I can see it in the list, however, my server says "wait for host" when I try to join. I am able to log in to the admin terminal, but I cannot manage to get it to work properly. EDIT:The server is working fine, someone please delete this thread.
  11. Hipax (DayZ)

    [W.O] Woodlands Order is recruiting.

    Age:13 Name:Austin Scott Skype:austin.tehawesome830 Country:USA Timezone:CST [Steam Name:Hipax Experience: (1-10, see chart)(DayZ and other zombie games/mods: 7/8) (Arma2:8) Game Style: (Sniper, scout, infantry, ect.)I have experience in all sorts of fields, I don't have any personal preferences, I just do whatever.
  12. Looking to join a group? You've come to the right place! What I'm looking For/requirements: You must be 13 OR OLDER! NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE! You need to have a general understanding of dayz [how to cook/eat food,how to change mag types,how to drive,how to combine mags,etc.] You must,I repeat,MUST be willing to kill others,and in some situations,even your own. You can invite others, but they must send me an application via PM. You must have Steam and teamspeak to join. You MUST be serious,BUT you must also be able to take a joke. you MUST be willing to lose gear,as death is inevitable in the banditry life style. By willing to lose I mean you don't get attached to it and start having a breakdown because you lost a 10+ day character or something. Application [fill out and reply or PM me or contact me via steam to join] Name: Age: In-game name Location: Timezone: Steam:
  13. Requests have been sent! keep em coming!
  14. Thanks to all who have filled out the application! Sorry that I haven't been responding/playing,I've been busy over the weekend.
  15. Sounds good if i can get people!
  16. A valid argument,however, the only reason the clan is 13+ is because of my age being 13. I've died left and right,which is the reason people are NOT allowed to be in if death is going to inclue them raging. They'll be banned quickly.
  17. Hipax (DayZ)

    Banditry FTW!

    So I found this guy with a white hilux,and I had low gear,except for an m1014. I started bleeding and typed "Friendly",however the bastard tried to run me over,prolly knew what i was trying to do. Anyways,I shot him out as he stopped trying to hit me and took off with his gear. 2 M14's,2 fn fals,and 2 AKS-74U's. I took off north and I could hear his mic yelling "God damn it!". I stopped a while later and left this on the map:
  18. Hipax (DayZ)

    Banditry FTW!

    You are true,but then again didn't it help you in the long run not to trust people from the forums? I mean,I'm looking for other bandits,that was just a test of your skills. No matter though,the truck disappeared at Stary because I forgot to log on and Save it. Edit:I think the truck disappearing was a stroke of karma,to be honest.
  19. That's just sad. I have been sniping on various DayZ servers,and even I go to grab their loot! End-game status or not,it's always nice to have an extra stanag or food/drink! Like it has been said, "It's better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it."
  20. Hipax (DayZ)

    Banditry FTW!

    Hah,too bad this isn't gonna become an argument.
  21. Hipax (DayZ)

    Banditry FTW!

    Maybe you shouldn't have tried to hit me. Alter ego's are just so much fun to use.
  22. Hipax (DayZ)

    Banditry FTW!

    So whyd you get so butthurt when I killed you? xD