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About dabauce

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dabauce

    Do's and Dont's of D/Cing

    im going to agree with desertrose, the respawn rate is completely ridiculous. I used to be against d/c for everything but when you clear a wave of zombies and more spawn on top of you, but its just like a hacker but the npc's do it. Its not fair they can just spawn on top of you. Might as well have a dude aimboting because both will get you killed. PvP wise, d/c is a bunch of bullshit,
  2. This seems like a really great idea. You have my support
  3. i like the idea of a group of slow ones then one really fast one that has glowing eyes. This would be pretty scary see glowing red eyes coming after you
  4. dabauce

    Ohio servers and info

    yeah ohio was the fastest load in and ping