When I first started playing this game I would have instant load screens. I love this game, but spending hours trying to get in a server with no eval just kills the motivation to even play this game. If the game isn't broken don't add more content. This is the fail of every game I play. This humanity crap? Who cares. It's disappointing that there is only 1 way to load the game up, and play with six is so buggy. Every time I load the software I get prompted to install it again. I'm playing on a router with another player, and it seem that everytime one of us join or vice versa into the same server we get the "connection has failed", "0 kb loading" screen freeze, and standard annoying messages that everyone else receives. Was there protection added to prevent 2 people from the same ip getting into a server? We have the most current patch, and have installed the game properly. I don't understand why it's russian roulette trying to get in a server. I'm getting tired of attempting every server on the list, if I'm lucky enough to get in one, then I usually get the red chain of death as soon as I join. Does this game not run dependent servers, or what's the fail?