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Everything posted by DirtyCry

  1. DirtyCry

    Need help with Arma 2

    I guess no. The pirated version you used uses modifided files. And this files will still be there even with your original key. Maybe you join a server and get banned... i would not risk it. Download it over night or maybe you can rent a dvd version from a local Movie/games rent house or a friend.
  2. Yes then try to get high fps with your high power cpu mixed with a low gpu......^^ You sir have absolutly no glue about gaming and hardware.
  3. DirtyCry

    DayZ | A lot of problems

    You found a solution?
  4. DirtyCry

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    Use the DayZ Commander! It has the 1.7.1 version!
  5. DirtyCry

    Can the SA look like this?

    Stop living in 2008.... Source engine looks like shit and has not a single modern effect. There are at least 10 other engine which have more power in every way. Btw: Rocket said that every performance gain is used to make the visuals better. This means you will have the same performance like in dayz now but with better/more effects/texture/etc.
  6. Totaly bullshit sorry....... you can play with a low cpu and high gpu but not with a high cpu and a low gpu. Whatever... @op First of all get Windows7 :D and get rid of this crappy vista.
  7. DirtyCry

    New DayZ Map Idea?

    I wish level creating for arma would same easy as it was with the sandbox2 for crysis!Then i would blow your minds with my map ideas....
  8. DirtyCry

    Can the SA look like this?

    Arma2 looks better as your L4D screenshots... so why making the standalone looking like a overcolored unrealistic childrenroom? :) The Arma2 engine gots so much more power as the source engine.. especialy outdoor.. Terrain, vegetation and light! So much more realistic as in L4D or any other source engine game. BTW: Turn up the Resolution, the AA and set the texture detail to very high! Your l4d looks like a gameboy game.
  9. DirtyCry

    Would i be able to run?

    Hey man, is this a serverrig? I think a 5450 is not able to run dayz. sorry.
  10. DirtyCry

    Free G36 Camo + m1911, canteens, meat, tools etc

    Make sure you have some hours to the next server restart. put the stuff on the ground, die, run back to the place where you stuff is.
  11. DirtyCry


    But with his idea dayz would be more realistic as now ... sooo ... your post is hard to interpret :)
  12. Whatever you say mate... :ph34r:
  13. If you use prime and furmark at the same time one of both will not have 100% usage. I see you dont have done much oc or benchmarking.... Yes the parts will fit.. but not well and he got like 1cm for the powerconnector for the grcard and you cant turn such a cable 90° at 0.5cm. His card is upside down too.. he will get problems with the cabels and a bad airflow. From downside he gets the warm air from the cpu cooler. The Card itself takes the air above the card... so it uses it own hot air. The lot of cables will break a clean airflow in this case too. Delta5 ... do you wanna help or troll? It not enough to say "Just make sure the PSU you get has the 20+4 connector. " TWAG DONT get this Seasonic shit(http://www.newegg.co...N82E16817151094). It has no cable manegment! You dont have enough space for all this cables in your case! Check out your other topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131881-new-graphics-card-need-help-with-power-source-please/
  14. Hey man, you dont found a psu in the internet? I think every 5year old child can do this. Google " buy 500W psu" .. whatever... I think you will get space problems with this card. THis is the inside view of your HP Pavilion P7-1267c: http://ecx.images-am...SXL._AA300_.jpg Check out if there is enough space. Keep in minde that the Motherboard is turned upside down in this HP Case and that the powerconnectors from your graphic card needs space too! The fans from the card will look up with this upsidedown turned mainboard. You will get problems with this bunch of cables comming from the PSU. Thats not much space. You card is long as you motherboard. You need a PSU with cable manegment!!! Edit: Dont take the Crosair Builder Series CX600 600W. It got NO cable mangement and it got extra Long cables!!! You dont have the space in this hp case! Edit: Also check out if there is enough space for the PSU! The HP PSU gots the ATX form yes but this is ready build pc from hp ... this means maybe there are other screw holes or something like that. Get the BxHxT data and check it out.
  15. DirtyCry

    DayZ + PMC DLC High Res Textures. (Pics)

    Camosuit HiRes and AS50 HiRes
  16. DirtyCry

    Dat blue Sky! Rocket, PLEASE!

    You would wonder how blue the real life sky can be. Nothing in unrealistic in the shots.
  17. DirtyCry

    Anti-theft shield?

    I think his post was helpful. This is DayZ... the wrong game if you want to have invisible walls.
  18. DirtyCry

    (FIXED) Micro Stuttering - Please help

    Hi, is there a HD6859 out there? I think you mean a HD6850. Whatever... :) Which Resolution do you play? Do you use AA? How much? What are your driver settings? Are you forcing anything per driver? (Morph AA or Edge deteceted?) What kind of harddrive do you have? Size, Cache, rounds per minute. What kind of programms are running at the background? Are you using Programms like fraps to get your FPS shown? Programms like that, who are updating a visual think(the small FPS number in the corners) sometimes are making this kind of mikrostuttering. Or any other programms which is writing logs or something every 2 seconds? What programms are in your autostart? Is you Antivirus software starting a complet scan everytime you start your pc?
  19. DirtyCry

    Rivers and Islands: A Use for Boats

    We have water areas at different highs at Phantera or Namalsk. So making a river should not be that hard and not needed to be on ocean high. I think a smart level designer can work with that... especialy the SA guys.
  20. DirtyCry

    I've been wondering.... Why Chernarus?

    So yes its a real place.....
  21. DirtyCry

    I've been wondering.... Why Chernarus?

    The problem is... Chernarus is a real place.... http://imgur.com/a/qEkrm http://img.gawkerass...pg/original.jpg
  22. DirtyCry

    SVD Camo - no ammo [OFFERS?] [i need stannag mags]

    Which map? Which hive?
  23. DirtyCry

    HOW TO: Kill a zombie. a DayZ short ! :)

    Now i know how to do it.. Thank you!