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Posts posted by sammvarnish

  1. The ultimate goal of this simulation is survival. If Dave wants to play as a bandit' date=' that's fine. But clearly he died several times in the video (and we didn't see how). Running around like a jackass killing people "for the lulz", and without his own ultimate intention of surviving, is retarded.

    Bandits are necessary, and they add all the required tension. PvP is what makes gaming the experience that it is. But the objective of this game (if there is one) is staying alive, building car, meeting up with friends after hours of tension... whatever. It clearly was not designed to be exploited in this way... i.e. a competition for the lowest humanity.

    Yes people have to be careful. Absolutely. But if everyone treated the game as it was supposed to be treated... survival being the ultimate prize... then there would be so fewer face-to-face PvP gunfights with dickheads who just dont care. And that is game breaking. Even the most vicious psychopaths still value their own lives. And clearly that is not happening in this instance, and many of the instances I've experienced in game.



    Your argument out of everyone who has replied to this forum, youtube, and others is one of the only ones who has decent reasoning. However, let's simplify this. I eat a burger with a fork and knife. You eat it with your hands. What's the difference? We're doing the same thing but different ways. We're surviving different ways, although mine might be "counter productive"

    Did you know there is a 9:1 Survivor to bandit ratio? I think we're safe to say that survivors top out on the majority. Not everyone will be a bandit and there will always be good people out there who take the majority and play the good guy (society has taught us that).

    Finally, you fail to realize is that the development team stated "no rules". When theres no rules you CANNOT, and absolutely CANNOT justify your terms of how the game can be played, should be played, or used. There are no rules, limitations, adaptations needed. Anyone can play any way they want, and it will be justified.

    In the end, I play my way, you play your way. I eat my burger with a fork and knife, you eat your burger with your hands. :)

  2. I'm a bandit, got around -180,000 humanity before patching to and now it's all gone. I'm not the best evil person out there, but I'm decent. This thread is dedicated to posting your bandit videos, on your successes, failures, commentaries and such. Let it begin!

    Here is my counter argument (full video just me killing people [montage]) on why bandits are a nessecity to the game, and why people need to stop being mad about the bandits. It's a 9:1 survivor to bandit ratio.

    (voice is a teenagerish. Sorry for it. :) )
