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Everything posted by Artraey

  1. Its there hard to see them, but they are there i got a svd camo with ammo, a l85 with ammo, night vision x3 gps x3 and ghillie suit really helped after i got killed last night.
  2. I have a gps and a radio i found in a tent would like to trade for a ghillie suit.
  3. nope i have everything i need but a ghillie
  4. I have 10 svd dragonov mags and 15 dmr mags looking to trade
  5. Artraey

    Trading an SVD Sniper CAMO

    i have a dmr with 5 things of ammo
  6. Have a FN-FAL for trade have 2 so dont need 1, lookin for a Ghillie Suit, night vision ect