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About SqTH

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    FR 35 Admin

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  1. I just got confirmation that people ALT+F4 to make their body disappear... Dammit.
  2. Hi. Server 130 (I guess you're managing it), I shot a player named invizz or smt like that. I didn't had time to see his name better, his body immediatly sank into the ground Oo. I couldnt find his name in the player list of the server, i guess he left. He had a guillie suit and a M4A3 CCO silenced. Happened around 15:40, today. Does a body immedialty sinking into the ground normal? The option to see his gear wasn't even there. ty
  3. Je confirme. Par contre, les zombies ne tapent pas. On voit des groupes de joueurs looter impunément.
  4. Hello. Vous avez corrigé les kicks intempestifs de jeudi soir ? Lorsqu'on tire sur un joueur : il est kické. Les zombies sont également aveugles et sourd.
  5. :3 welll. what do you espect from a code done in a hurry for bringing smt new to the gamesCon ? I guess we have to debug the dogs
  6. Launcher updated http://khalimerot.be/DayZ/ or http://alderongames.info/dayz/BreakingPoint.exe
  7. SqTH

    Better zombies

    Zombies don't run. Thoses are infected.
  8. 2.0 is up. http://khalimerot.be/DayZ/BreakingPoint.exe or http://khalimerot.be/DayZ/@BreakingPoint.7z for manual installation. We'll clean up the first post of the topic.
  9. We're gonna release a big update in a few hours. Dogs, a haunted forest(will target only bandits soon), a lootable aircraft carrier, electricity working in town, badass zombies, new exclusive weapons (hello, desert eagle !), balanced loot, tweaked guns (hello, quiver for the crossbow !), new buildings in Kamenka (Hello, supermarket, hello firestation !), weight management, tiredness management. And of course the launcher that automaticly update the files and let you choose the server. I'll just post a few pic, so you'll have an idea.
  10. Heavy bug with the crowbar, go steam asap