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Dwayne McKinney

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About Dwayne McKinney

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dwayne McKinney

    Cheaters on Au44

    I was just admin banned from this server for shooting a guy who took a run at me in a UAZ. Got the Admin Ban message not even a full second after shooting the driver. Pretty lame right there.
  2. Dwayne McKinney

    Players 30+ years old

    I'm not quite 30, but only a year shy. Can I get in on this too? Would be nice to play with people closer to my own age! I'm located in the PST (West coast of Canada), so might not get to play too much with those of you in Europe.
  3. Dwayne McKinney

    Anyone from the West Coast?

    I've been playing about as long as you have and would be down to team up. I usually play at night (PST). Let me know if you're down :)