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Everything posted by cpanda

  1. I'm trying to persuade my friend into buying combined operations so I can get a buddy on to play with. But he states his comp wouldn't be able to handle the program. I tell him there's a free version of Arma2 on steam and if he can run that Dayz might be ok. But he's to much of an ass to even try. Can someone inform me of the minimum specs that can run Dayz with a reliable framerate. edit: I ask this because I know that people who run Arma2 without a problem sometimes find framerate issues with Dayz.
  2. cpanda

    Minimum specs

    I know his spec information would help. I'll try to get them but from what I remember it's an Acer laptop.
  3. I've followed your advice and can join servers however when I do I run into a problem already mentioned in one post. I enter the server with no debug menu and no sound. I was hoping you might have some insight on this issue.
  4. cpanda

    DayZ Stories

    I have a little story. I like to go off alone and not join up with people. This allows me to scavenge the country side at my own pace picking and choosing the best loot and always getting equipment when it pops up. On my last death I had a nice assortment of goodies an Alice back pack that I found almost instantly a 1911 with about 12 spare clips everything you need for getting around and surviving in the wilds except a trusty map and plenty of cooked meat stored for those dire situations. Finally I make the choice to brave a city knowing full well that this could be my last trek. I really wanted a map I really wanted some bloodpacks so I could group up and I really wanted to kill some bandits. For some reason I decide to hit the firestation in Elektro first. Bad decision. Bandit and survivor bodies strewn everywhere. But I had checked the towers before going in and since no one sniped me on my suicide rush towards the place I start looting. Nice a toolbox and some fencing that's handy. This guy had a watch sure might as well some more painkillers always welcome. I make my way to the second floor of the fire station having gotten everything from the ground floor and while digging through a pile of junk I spot a bandit creeping down the stairs from behind my loot menu. I quickly raise my 1911 fire off a few shots and book it. I could hear the screams of the zed as I shot off those rounds and I turn to face them with my winney but I start bleeding before the first one goes down. Another appears and as I shoot I hear more screams coming from the field that surrounds the station. Bleeding out having a fire fight with zeds this bandit will know exactly where I am I choose the cowards way out I disconnect to fight another day. I was going to switch servers one that was lowly populated so I could heal up and be ready to continue raiding hopefully to reach the hospital but something is stabbing me in the stomach saying go get that bandit why did you turn tail and run? I steel myself and reconnect to the same server. The game's finished loading and wait ... everything is choppy as hell. I should of just bandaged myself and logged out right then and there. I got down to business fixing myself up getting to almost full blood and start crawling around to see if the bandit was searching for me on the ground. I'm crawling so slowly and just tapping the move keys that I make almost no noise. In my prone stance I see a survivor run into the warehouse next door. I wanted to tell him there's a bandit here and he is killing everything get out now or come with me to take him out. But I didn't. I knew this bandit had some serious tech on his hands and giving him any inclination to be cautious was not in my best interest. I crawled to the outside wall waiting under a crack peering in Hoping the bandit would take the side door if he came. This poor bastard was full on running around the place. Sure enough footsteps get closer and closer until a loud crack and a body hits the floor as zombies scream behind me. Another and a gasp is heard and zeds are running all around me now. This should of been my time to strike my time to take this bandit out. He was firing off his sidearm now taking out 1 2 4 5 zeds and must of thought that he was in the clear not worried about giving away his position but I just waited. I wanted him to get back to a sniping position so I could flank him while he was prone. A stupid choice in the string of stupid choices I made. Slowly I inch myself into the station and climb each stair case so slowly. As I got to the 3rd floor I hear pistol fire in the field below. I didn't know who but someone else was there and if I got into a bad situation with this bandit and lived I probably wouldn't make it past the next guy. I should of logged out right then called it quits and good but something made me keep going. I got to the last stair case took a breath and inched up it. The buzzing from the dead bodies became a drone almost covering up the the footsteps that were trailing my ascent. I couldn't turn to face this guy now the bandit would come down and merc us both I had to make my move ... wait for it ... I rush the last half of the stairs and burst onto the top floor ready for blood ready for death. But the room is empty the bandit had run off to greener pastures or was behind me at that moment I had no way of knowing. My plan had failed. I was so cautious and patient and bullheaded and greedy and prideful. Quickly I assume a prone position behind the entrance of the staircase ... and wait I'm getting launched past the stairs I shit I'm outside of the building Smack! I land on the roof breaking some bones and bleeding copiously with that big green hourglass staring at me. I see my blood meter drain down I do the math in my head and know what's going to happen next ... YOU ARE DEAD Morale of the story don't be a hero if you're an idiot
  5. I'm not sure what the menu is called but when you use the mouse wheel to quickly select food or drink or bandages (that's the big one) Ever since I installed the latest patch I can only choose to switch between my weapons using that quick menu. I can still go into my gear screen and use items from there but it would be much more convenient if I could just use the mouse wheel. Maybe I should reinstall the patch I'm not sure. Anybody else having this problem?
  6. Yeah sorry I should of read the notes. I don't mind the change but I do wish you could bandage yourself from the wheel still. That's my only complaint.