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Vaseline Jelly

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About Vaseline Jelly

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Vaseline Jelly

    improper use of admin rights on the server RU9

    That's what I meant. The use of injections, which allows us to use the Admin Console to spawn objects. And I do not know who used the console. And, of course, do not blame this administration is the server.
  2. Vaseline Jelly

    Unable to Eat Food/Drink/Bandage with

    Open the inventory with G key and right-click on the food and water
  3. Nuff said, lol. Location Balota: How it should be: http://imageshack.us/f/404/2012052200003.jpg/ How it actually is: http://imageshack.us/f/849/2012052200002.jpg/