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About joulesbeef

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    On the Coast
  1. I figured it was locally generated. ANd I could see where it wouldnt matter as much with civs in arma, as you are playing military and generally not killing them. Though i could see where it would lead to communication problems as in "see the civ with the black shirt on the right? our sniper is above him to the left" and your bud only sees people in light color shirts. Still I wish they would fix that. I want everyone to see me as I see me. If we all have to have tie dye shirts so we all stand out until I find camos..hey that is fine. I just want everyone on the same page. it would be sorta cool, if we all spawned in light clothing and you could find some darker civ clothing. Like with guns you have common, rare, very rare and extremely rare.. but with clothes you only have the extremely rare. Maybe starting off with light blue jeans and a light shirt, but you could find things like dark blue jeans, black slacks, darker shirt, black shirt.. and these could take over the common and rare and very rare spots missing from clothes. ANd be sorta a step down from camos and ghillies but a step up from the bright shirts we have now.
  2. You have probably noticed when you log into dayz as a skinless civ, you have either a blue shirt or a black shirt, which a brown vest or a black vest. Once in dayz I saw someone about 50 meters in front of me about dusk, his blue shirt just glowing. But he was followed by this strange shadow "graphical glitch".. it was dark and I could barely see it. They turned into the light and suddenly I saw, it was two people. Now the guy in front was at a serious disadvantage to the guy in back. I saw this and used to reload the server over and over until I saw I was wearing black on black. Well Then I started to play with friends. I now see that, it is pretty random, how they see you. They can see my in any civilian clothing available. One guy can see me in black on black when another might see me as blue on brown. Well my question is WHY!!!! I realize this is probably a better question for ARMA.. but for the life of me I cant see why either game,, would have this.. except maybe bandwidth issues. and not sending all the info about each char.. but this seems unlikely. When I put on a skin, like a ghillie or camos, everyone sees the same thing. So why are newbie survivers so screwed when it comes to clothes? Cant we get just one set of dark clothes and everyone have that?
  3. joulesbeef

    Best ATI Catalyst drivers for ARMA 2 and DayZ mod?

    I have 12.6 and a 5870.. I have same issue with strange minimizing. I dont have the 4 second stop and I can simply alt tab or click the icon to bring the game back... except i shoot my gun every time I come back from this.. which is highly annoying and dangerous for friendlies. it isnt the windows key or any sort of typo as it had happened to me without me touching mouse or keyboard.(hey it was one of my best guesses for a while) Pretty sure it isnt even arma or dayz.. If you google arround a lot of people have this problem, sometimes with many games, sometimes only with one. Nearly all have ATIs.. the solutions arent always the driver either.. sometimes it is due to AV software. I havent tracked mine down yet, but havent put a ton of effort in it yet. I happens every once in a while but no one has gotten killed yet and I'm normally not thinking about it when I am done playing. anyways try disabling things like AV, sleep mode(yeah i know), maybe get toolwiz(nice little free proggy that does more than it should.. and has a gaming mode which turns off everything for you like aero desktop.. it's just like game booster, so you can expect similar weak results for FPS but if your minimizing is a problem it is worth trying.)
  4. joulesbeef

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    getting plagued by "no message from server" on every server i go on. I can play 30 second to about 2 minutes max. Anyone else? edit: my server problem seems to have cleared up on reboot. Or at least I played nearly 10 minutes this time...before zeds. Which is far better than my last 5-6 times.. so i think this is just a personal issue.
  5. non murderer hear, who likes to complain about bandits(but thinks they add realism and should be in the game.) I love the changes. I think it does slow things down on the coasts a bit and makes for interesting meetings. I dont think the goal should be to totally eliminate bandits though. "Murdering someone sets a timer in which zombies can see you easier, while killing a bandit causes a timer in which zombies see you less." that was an interesting idea though, still i think it would be a negative if we curtailed all the evil scum bag bandits. So I dont know i want to play a bit more as it is now but that is an interesting idea that perhaps they could try in the future to see how well it works out.
  6. I am concerned that you will send too many new-to-the-game people back to the server hell wait line.
  7. joulesbeef

    The Problems With Tents

    so i guess I can drop my tent now? I went all over hell and back trying to place it. Thought it was me, when I saw the change log of fixed it. went back and tried again. redownloaded the mod in case i missed a file. Yeah yeah alpha. ARGGG but I want it to be beta already. :P I heard that if you loaded up and joined a server... while it is flashing black at you, if in a good spot, you can place the tent, reupgrade back to and have your tent... abet in middle of a field where it isnt very useful. Still I'm off to try that.
  8. I like how many zombies there are now but did they also increase their reactions to things and distance. Seems like you get some heavy swarms no matter how far away you are with a gun. I guess it is sorta natural.. if survivors can hear gun shots they can to, it can just be overwhelming when you first start off, and for some reason set one off going into a barn. Unless you get mostly headshots(which is doable in a barn.. hard on veteran though) you are going to run out of ammo.