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About JinxStinx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JinxStinx

    Another day as a bandit.

    Well if you're nice enough to help people and they kill you, then obviously for this game, being a hero isn't recommended. If they are armed I will shoot them, if they are just starting I will help them! Seems fair doesn't it?
  2. JinxStinx

    Another day as a bandit.

    I have never really been a bandit, I like helping other players. One time I saw a player being chased by a HUGE group of zombies, I had an mk48 so I killed them all for him. The next thing I know is, the idiot picks up a shotgun and drops me! He takes my weapon and all my good end gear. Sadly for him ti was my homeserver and the boys stalked him for an hour and eventually killed him and I got my stuff back. I have now learnt, shoot first ask questions later, blame that guy Epic from the UK server!
  3. Perhaps his age isn't 14. However, I am pretty sure his mental age is around there.... Please refrain from being a smart arse if you cannot even construct a sentence in normal English. Additionally, here is a top tip, play less Dayz and pay MORE attention in your English classes.
  4. Would love to join, (Can only play weekday evenings)
  5. Hey, good to see some UK based players here, I too am looking for a group to play with!