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Everything posted by mshagg

  1. mshagg

    Climbing Zombies

    I like it when they chase you up stairs and ladders... particularly when you have a backpack full of rounds. One at a time boys, one at a time!
  2. I bought Arma2 on release day because I remembered the original Operation Flashpoint being one of the finest PC gaming experiences of my life. I spent a fair bit of time playing the campaign after release but frequent mission-killing bugs turned me off of it. It sat unloved and ignored in my Steam library for years. When people started taking about DayZ it was a no brainer to drop another 20 bucks on OA.
  3. I had been hanging around the two large cities, largely because I was forver spawning near there but also because I have been finding my feet with the game so to speak. These were not pleasant experiences, really. The other night I grabbed some beans and a couple of cans of pepsi from the outskirts of cherno and headed north. What delight! I'll now spend my days hiking through the forest and wistfully dreaming of days gone by; memories of a simpler chernarus. Skipping and dancing through open fields of long grass with rabbits and butterflies. Whole towns to loot to myself. Ponds and dams to drink from until you can drink no more. Seemingly endless spawns of winchester rounds to lodge into the infected skulls of zombies. Evenings here are peaceful. No gunshots ringing throughout the night and not a flare to be seen.
  4. mshagg

    An open letter to the silent majority

    I' d also like to express, er, my fondness for that particular beer. No... wait... Just signed up to add my support to the sentiments of the OP's open letter. Loving the mod and losing many an hour of my life to it. By no means should people stop bringing isses to the fore, but have a think about the way in which you convey it. Some people also seem to be struggling a bit with the new zealand sense of humour. Here in the south pacific we take the piss out of, well, everyone. It's supposed to be light hearted and funny, dont take offense so easily.