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Gigglez (DayZ)

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About Gigglez (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Gigglez (DayZ)

    evansaidhi Hacking in his own Videos

    This is awesome, nuff said.
  2. DayZ Name : Gigglez How long have you been playing DayZ : Since May What is your time of area : Pacific [GMT-8] Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Yes What is your primary weapon of choice : Sniper Skype name : PieMonstahh21
  3. NwO is dying. Drop your tags, go find a new home. If you want leadership or anything he offered in the OP you won't get it. I myself was an officer in the all mighty NwO, it's not fun guiz. Shooting people on sight, not following the Rules of Engagement. and just going all out banditry. It's not a survivor clan, More than half of the "Survivors" are bandits. Leader doesn't even play. So make your choice, Drop your tags or stay, also to the "new recruits" enjoy your stay in complete chaos that is called The New World Order.
  4. It's a role playing Mod.. You can either go Bandit or survivor. PvP and PvE servers on a mod like this would be silly.
  5. Gigglez (DayZ)

    5th Element Squad officially launched!

    Very interested :3
  6. I'm interested in joining, been playing since May or so. Sign me up :D
  7. Gigglez (DayZ)

    Recruiting | NerdCore-Fun/SeriousGroup

    I'll be sure to hop on and check around if you don't mind [: Quite interested.
  8. Gigglez (DayZ)

    Board? Waste Of Money

    How do you think Arma 2 CO is the top seller on steam?
  9. Gigglez (DayZ)

    Looking for 'Legit' Bandit Crew

    I'll be up for some banditry[; Sniping bishes at NWAF, stary, no dcing and all that other bs. Died yesterday though, luckily i found someone sniping in elektro, came up around him and killed him :D . took his DMR, m1911 and all the shit he had. I am a happy camper. [:
  10. Gigglez (DayZ)

    Cokes are lethal.

  11. This has happened a couple times to me.. Same exact thing happened. It's probably a fail script hacker :L
  12. Gigglez (DayZ)

    Sniping at the NE airfield

    I've only visited the NEAF a couple times. Doesn't have many visitors doe. D:
  13. Gigglez (DayZ)

    How many kills do YOU have?

    M4A1 CCO SD is in fact in game, found it numerous times. Cool gun breh. Can i has it?