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About Shonigen

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Amongst Cherno
  1. Shonigen

    DE 969 Admin BattleEye ban abuse

    But in the screenshots you are shown exiting and entering the server multiple times. Also, There is a 20% Vehicle spawn chance. There is no way you'd find them in your allotted time. Maybe it was left by another player.
  2. I'll be sharing supplies, and car parts. Check my Profile for my skype. Will need food and water in return for supplies given.
  3. Shonigen

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Shonigen Player ID (Not SteamID): 25803974 Why do you wish to join the Militia: I wish to join the Militia because I want to keep all survivors and heros safe from Bandits and after various attacks on me from bandits I want to stand up to them. What can you offer the Militia: I can offer accuracy and stealth Hand me a sniper and I shall keep watch and hand me a M4A1 and I'll clear the Area. Are you a team player: Yes. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No. Extra Information: Nothing more on me.
  4. Actually a Toolbox is needed to repair "Equipment and Vehicles" so he will need one.
  5. Shonigen

    Weekly Giving Out Event

    Played this for about 3 months and I died during my life dream on DayZ so now I'm coming here to get geared up. I'll be waiting for you.
  6. This thread is making me laugh. Both sides of the argument are right and wrong and are constantly bickering. 1 side is using trolling (flaming) with text and GIFs. The other is actually using grammar and legitimate reasons to put this thread up but sometimes falls short on some things which leads to the trolling. Either way I'm telling you both to kiss and make up or continue bickering I'll be happy with either outcome.
  7. But thats the part where you are wrong,There are rules to this "game" many non-exsistant yes but there are many rules to this "game"
  8. Shonigen


    True ARMA II is 18+ due to many reasons but you're posting on a mod for the game. If he does in the matter of this gets banned he would be banned from the mod, Not the game. If you have a problem with the kid being underaged and think he should be banned from THE GAME go onto ARMA II's Forums. Now I doubt that it would be accepted but hey I guess everything goes.