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About running_target1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. running_target1

    Looking for AUZ clan.

    I am looking for a Australia clan. As I live in Australia ING: running_target1 (same as steam/ts3/skype) age: 16, very mature Skype/TS3: have both Experience I have: iv played 237 hours of arma 2 and about 90 hours of dayz. im just looking for a clan that i can join and play with and have good time :)
  2. running_target1

    Looking for AUZ clan.

    I am looking for a Australia clan. As I live in Australia ING: running_target1 (same as steam/ts3/skype) age: 16, very mature Skype/TS3: have both Experience I have: iv played 237 hours of arma 2 and about 90 hours of dayz. im just looking for a clan that i can join and play with and have good time :)
  3. running_target1

    Looking for AUZ clan.

    I am looking for a Australia clan. As I live in Australia ING: running_target1 (same as steam/ts3/skype) age: 16, very mature Skype/TS3: have both Experience I have: iv played 237 hours of arma 2 and about 90 hours of dayz. im just looking for a clan that i can join and play with and have good time :)
  4. running_target1

    trading a L85 and M9SD!!!

    just looking for a good trade, post you offers below ty.
  5. just post what you are willing to trade :) i do like snipers
  6. hay im looking for a group or just some people to play with for all my mates don't like dayz. I'm 16 I live in Australia I have a mic (skype: running_target1) Iv been playing dayz for about 2 mouths now and i know my way around. hope to play with you soon :P
  7. yea same thing is happing to me (im 16) we should meet up wiht some other guys and go hunting. add me on skype or steam same name on both: running_target1 btw im live in mel
  8. i am a willing bandit that would love to play with you. my skype name is: running_target1 (pm me if you want)