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Lost in the Void

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About Lost in the Void

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    US, PA , SE
  1. I am getting ALOT of requests from a members of my server asking me to stop hackers from "teleporting the heli away from their camps / last known parking spots" and i see nothing in the logs reflecting that the chopper was indeed teleported or even moved until it is too late. Is there anything i can do differently to improve my detection turn around time for this issue? Obviously hack detection methods are NOT supposed to be posted and i don't want to give out any information that might allow a hacker to improve their stealth techniques, you can PM me with some post links etc if that is a better idea.
  2. Lost in the Void

    Hacker Activity on US 2237

    That would explain why i couldn't find David =D. logan however made a pretty negative impression on our server and alot of honest players lost some good loot i'm sure. I tend to drop in and monitor when i'm not playing but its not as regular as when i'm actually in game myself. See you there i'm sure and hope you have a positive experience on my server. I encourage anyone who visits to drop me a line should they discover anything even suspect as looking into it only takes a moment where-as having a hacker destroy your character's current progression can take an hour or more to recover from =P.
  3. Lost in the Void

    Hacker Activity on US 2237

    I think you are actually referring to US 2737 not 2237 to which i am the admin. I can confirm that logan was indeed a hacker based on the log information i have viewed and was subsequently banned pending additional verification and vetting (if needed by the dayz mod team). For now the ban is temporary assuming he will be vindicated by dayz mod staff however the latest round of grenade rain he dropped on the server is pretty conclusive imo. As far as david is concerned i will investigate this further as i LOATHE teleporters, unfortunately i am still working out how to identify these types of offenses. I realize alot of players lost their gear to that grenade rain just before he crashed the server and its unfortunate that this even happens. Being the admin of a server doesn't always mean you have the power to stop anything especially with a mod that is still in alpha and that ties the hands of admins to take action against suspected players. Personally i try always to air on the side of caution and fairness as banning a player who is just good and not cheating from what may very well be their favorite server would not be helpful to the community if every admin did this. I can definitely see both sides of the argument, both by admins and by the DayZ staff that guidelines need be followed but not allowing the admins to unite more often only means the hacker has another 4999 other servers to choose from once he is banned. It's sad that i spend 40+% of my time playing this game reviewing logs for players who are "suspected" of cheating on my server while i am playing and although i am possibly a more active admin than most still havnt been successful at stopping even half of the hacker attacks, only cleaning up after them once they've occured. Don't be discouraged mitchmalloy and keep posting as much information as possible, the 3 key things to finding a hacker is the time it happened, your time zone, and the server you were on, its also helpful to know a game name of a suspect but this can be just as misleading as helpful if that player is innocent. Regardless keep playing on my server and keep your eye out, i dont want to say anything as corny as, "Together we can make a difference" but then again i just did!.
  4. Lost in the Void

    Access Denied

    Good questions, i too am interested in the answers to these, and just as well have an HFB Server that i completely left stopped until i can make changes to my files on my server.... My permissions are so screwed up i can't even change the difficulty settings and so far no one has gotten back to me to make the few minor changes for me so i can even just run the server in a basic setup =/. If i can't get atleast my difficulty settings on my server dialed in i think i will open a server with one of these instant setup guys and cancel this one at the end of the month. I know HFB is growing and there are always quirks but that doesnt mean the customer has to like and tolerate them =/.
  5. could some sort of md5 hash or something be generated for the log files so that the authenticity of that log can be assured? Its just that my thinking is, that the hackers are unified in their attempts to create better and less detectable hacks and if the community isnt unified in identifying and removing them with bans etc we WILL fail.
  6. I am currently the admin of 2737 and have reviewed the logs when i see something fishy going on and can usually correlate what is going on in game to what is in the logs, reporting a player willie nillie without evidence on the forums from a players perspective is harder to prosecute than someone caught hacking by an admin with iron-clad evidence. Therefore, are there procedures for getting a global ban in place or should admins only worry about eliminating hackers from their server only. Thank you in advance, The Lost
  7. I am an administrator of US 2737 and would like to create this formal thread. You will only be banned with proven and just cause. Your rights as a user are outlined on these forums, review them before requesting a ban lift or reason for a kick. However some things to note that are outlined within the rights of the administrator and their right to kick and or ban you. Admins are permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, ONLY if you have solid evidence, IE logs. Admins are permitted to kick or ban for hate speech, including racism and homophobia. This includes harassing a player that is server wide disruptive. Admins are permitted to kick or ban for ongoing severe hacking that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way.If you feel you have been unjustly banned or kicked please post a thread... and i will outline HEAVILY this next part... WITH A CLEAR AND CALM HEAD IN A RESPECTFUL AND ADULT LIKE MANNER. Not doing so means we wont even read your ban lift request unless a dayzmod.com staff person or other respected person of the Day Z community speaks on your behalf. Please in the post include as much information as possible. The more information and cooperation you give the more likely you will be ban-lifted. Being ban-lifted does not vindicate you of any wrong doing and does NOT mean you will receive any apology for the actions of the admin. He/She was only doing what they felt was in the best interest of the Day Z server and what best served those that patron such a fine mod. We monitor our admins as well and hold them just as accountable as you. We take the responsibility of running a server seriously because we know that ultimately what we pay for is not the right to a private fun-house to abuse and destroy but the PRIVILEGE to HELP provide another server to the community and DONATE our private funds to do so. That is all for now, have fun, happy gaming and STAY ALIVE MY FRIENDS! (as said in the most interesting man in the world voice)