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Everything posted by jacksnickers@yahoo.com

  1. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Sqaud recruiting, or looking to team up.

    I'm down to play. I don't have much though. I'm sixteen, and my in-game name is Jack. My skype is fullmoontragedy
  2. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Survivor Colony!

    I found it. I don't even know the first thing about hacking
  3. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Survivor Colony!

  4. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Survivor Colony!

    Nvm I got it figured out. Looking forward to joining!
  5. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Survivor Colony!

    Just register at that forum?
  6. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Looking for some people to play with/home server

    I've been looking for someone or a group to team up with, I refuse to shoot other players unless I have a good reason. Good gear isn't enough of a reason..
  7. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    2 ppl looking for another or so to team up with.

    Wanna team up? I'm not gonna shoot and i'm not a bandit. I don't have any murders and I have high humanity. I've never even opened fire on another player even when I had one in my sights with a sniper. I just help whenever I can, Even though it's gotten me killed four or five times. :P
  8. I've been friendly to every survivor i've come across. Every time it's gotten me killed. Which is 4-5 times. So i'd love to team up.
  9. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    Really. I've had it happen before.
  10. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    In Need of a Decent Team with Decent Gear

    How do we know that you won't kill us and take our stuff?
  11. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    Steam Username:StayAlivePlayer11 Age:16 You must have a mic: yes Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: I don't know what that is..haha. Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? Haven't been in one Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: How can we all know you aren't just going to meet up with us then kill us?
  12. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Survivor Colony!

    How can I join? O:
  13. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Looking for people to play with RIGHT NOW!!!!11!

    I'll play with you. But how do I know if I can trust you?
  14. jacksnickers@yahoo.com

    Aussie looking to start a group

    I'm 16 and in America but i've been wanting to either start or get into a group but to no avail. I'd gladly join your group if you'd let me.