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Everything posted by Beastyplaya

  1. Beastyplaya

    Have a group of three need 1 more

    must 13-16, and i don't want a drunk in my group.
  2. Beastyplaya

    [Recruiting] Starting a small DayZ Group

    Ahh man im 14 :( I think im mature but i will let u decide. I would like to join u guys
  3. Hi, im 14 and im looking for 1 or 2 people to join me in the apocalypse. I would like people who is Serious when the time comes, and fun to be around. Plz be experienced. If u had transportation, it would be easier to meet up. Here is my skype cole_carver if u are interested. Thx
  4. i would like to join u, here is my skype cole_carver
  5. Beastyplaya

    [Video] We don't get mad, we get even.

    I would love to join u guys skype cole_carver
  6. Beastyplaya

    looking for small group

    Add me on skype cole_carver
  7. Beastyplaya

    Want to trade m4a1 HOLO

    i have an svd cammo, u have any HE gernade launchers?
  8. I am interested in joining u. I'm 14, mature and have vary good gear, I'm also experienced and skilled. Add me on skype cole_carver. thx
  9. Hi, im 14 and looking to start a group. I would like people who are tactical and experienced. It would be great if u had transportation, make meeting up easier. It doesn't really matter to me if u have good gear, but it would be better if u do. My skype is cole_carver Thx
  10. Alec, well i'm lookin for people, since u deleted me
  11. Dude stfu and get out, why did u click on this if your going to troll it up. best regards to u.
  12. Beastyplaya

    Looking for more

    I would like to join here is my skype, cole_carver
  13. Hi, I'm 14 and i would like to start a group. I would like people that are tactical, and experienced. I have good gear. It would be great if u had transportation, make meeting up a lot easier. My skype is cole_carver if u are interested. Thx
  14. Beastyplaya

    Always looking for a few more

    Age: well I'm 15, but haven't gone through puberty yet :(, so it will be a little squicky. I have a mike I'm interested because i like groups that are tactical and your group seems like that. I like to be a heavily armed rifle man if u are interested add me on skype cole_carver
  15. Beastyplaya

    looking for a partner [US]

    Or add me too, cole_carver
  16. Beastyplaya

    looking for a partner [US]

    ay i added u, im also 14
  17. Hi, I'm 14 and i would like to start a group. U must be 1 tactical 2 experienced 3 13-16 years old. If u had transportation that would be great, makes meeting up easier. I have really good gear. If u are interested add me on skype cole_carver, if u can't find me post your skype in the thread. Thx
  18. dude im trying to get people and it not the exact same
  19. guys i just got good gear, any1 want to join or what
  20. Hi, i'm 14 and i'm looking for other Experienced and tatical players around my age (13-16). Try to be near the nw airfield, but if your not, we can probably work something out. P.S. Plz Have good gear, thx Skype is cole_carver, plz put in a description about yourself in the friend invite
  21. Beastyplaya

    Experienced player looking for people my age

    Hi, I'm 14 and looking to start a group of 3-4 people, if u want to join u must be 1 tatical 2 experienced 3 13-16 years old. It would be nice if u had transportation, it would make meeting up a lot easier. I have pretty good gear :), i also know where a good camp site is if u want some loot. I need water. If u are interested add me on skype cole_carver, if u cant find me post your skype name. thx
  22. Beastyplaya

    Experienced player looking for people my age

    here just add me we will talk
  23. Beastyplaya

    Experienced player looking for people my age

    Hi, I'm 14 and looking to start a group of 3-4 people, if u want to join u must be 1 tatical 2 experienced 3 13-16 years old. It would be nice if u had transportation, it would make meeting up a lot easier. I have pretty good gear :), i also know where a good camp site is if u want some loot. I need water. If u are interested add me on skype cole_carver, if u cant find me post your skype name. thx Quote MultiQuote Edit
  24. Beastyplaya

    Starting new. who wants to join

    my skype is cole_carver