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About twd28888

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. yeah and i hope youre moms death was both painfull and depressing, fuck you asshole, im gunna go say hi to my mom, because she is still alive. fucking asshole
  2. the problem is in my first post. " deleted content, or acceptance keys, getting kicked or just a bad rejected connection " basicly, i can not join a server, it would not matter if i explained the exact problem, because for 1, i do not know myself, THATS WHY IM FUCKING ASKING, and 2, if someone has not had the same problem as me, then chances are they will not know how to fix it, so by just putting in key words like i did, mabey someone who has had the same problem will recognise!
  3. i cant download them again for a 3rd time because it takes DAYS! 3 days last time for one fucking game! and thats 3 WHOLE days too, have verified the files on steam, did not do fuck all, have spent 3 weeks looking on google, youtube, yahoo and nothing, not a fucking thing that helps me out, why does this seem to work for every other cunt but me? why me? my PC can handle it, i PAID to make sure of that, and now im just left with a bigger, louder PC with a shitty military sim game that i have no plans to use. fuck man!
  4. oooooh more spelling police i see. fuck you man, youre moms dead! so HAHAHAHAHA on that
  5. all i got on troubleshooting was one guy asking me to skype and another guy taking offence when i politley turned down the offer, and i figure this being SERVER GENERAL, somebody would actually help me instead of pointlessly telling me to go somewhere else, now kindly do not post on this thread if you have nothing of value to say to me, thank you
  6. i get many messages saying things about deleted content, or acceptance keys, getting kicked or just a bad rejected connection....i can understand that joining a server may not be easy...but 3 weeks later and i cant join any....its just frustrating, what am i doing wrong? i have not played this mod ONCE damm it!!
  7. what so you can record it, make fun of me and put it on youtube? fuck you asshole, seriously go fuck youre self, i seen this exact thing on another thread on this forum, so guy offerd help via skype, the guy refused and someone ( may have been you ) thry to order him to do it, im not even sure what skype is, is a video chat? coz i dont even have a webcam
  8. been trying for 3 weeks now. mabey write out a whole, detailed walk thru on install it? keeping in mind i have a disc copy of arma 2 and the OA from the combined ops pack off steam ( only OA was downloaded from the pack, Arma 2 was paused and remains paused ) also, how to use Dayz commander or whatever luancher you tell me to use. id really be thankfull
  9. operation arrowhead was from steam, arma2 from disc, i think i did that the last time and nothing happend
  10. and what do you mean by console dweeb? do you realise that as soon as this game comes out for consoles pretty mucg NO ONE will be playing it on the crappy PC, and you will have no friends....
  11. would only like to hear solutions from people who have HAD this problem and fixed it, no disrespet, im sick of people telling me to " google it "...coz googling it brings me back to this forum. so none of that please.
  12. can someone just tell me when this game will be ported to the 360 so i can forget about all this PC shit please?
  13. no, i had my PC upgraded ) well, its basicly a new computer ) to play this mod