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Everything posted by narwaljunior

  1. narwaljunior

    Best Cpu for Dayz and the Future Dayz Game?

    I haz a 8150 at 3.2 ghz(last time I checked). It runs everything at very high settings with my GTX 560ti. Fps is playable and it doesn't dip too much in cities now that I fixed the cooling issues. You don't need a monster PC to run Dayz at max settings.
  2. narwaljunior

    50's, L119, or none?

    To combat the overpowered weapon war that Dayz forumers have cried, screamed, bled, and perished over; we need to get rid of all the weapons and replace them with toilet paper launchers and potato guns. No wait, potato guns would be much more powerful. God dammit! That would mean we would need to get rid of that! Oh no. The toilet paper launchers are now the only gun and therefore OP! Guess we gotta cancel DayZ standalone and Dayzmod.
  3. Or when you are trying to put away your binoculars, but you accidentally hit "V" and stare at the car that is barreling down at you while you just stand there thinking "Well this is how I die.".
  4. narwaljunior

    Lets be honest: How many times?

    Falling off the barn ramparts and then getting swarmed by zombies...
  5. I have a GTX 560 ti and a AMD 8150. I get decent fps now that I changed my fan settings. I get around 35 to 40 fps in cities like Chernarus but can reach up to 50~ fps in the woods and stuff. The GPU isn't all that matters when it comes to games, especially Arma 2.
  6. narwaljunior

    M203 HE Effective Radius

    Shot a 203 at a sniper from 300 m away, hit right next to him and I saw his gun twerk up. Apparently he didn't die but it sure ruined his day. He also ruined my torso with 2 sniper hits... Don't worry, I lived and I think he did.
  7. narwaljunior

    Crafting Discussion only

    I want to be that guy with so many gadgets I'll jingle when I walk. Seriously like I would use cans, smoke cherry bombs, hunting traps, fishing wire for a trip wire.. just a trip wire, molotovs, grenades, and maybe even marbles. They don't even have to be crafted, let me find my marbles(woaah I'm good at this).
  8. narwaljunior

    Just a simple poll regarding gore.

    How would you even treat a blown off leg, oh god the lawsu-err I mean that would be a mess. It would be really neat to have more gore in the game, but if you go into the legs/arms blown off then you just have people killing themselves because their guy is now useless. Legs don't grow back or repair from that kind of shit. Maybe if you took a 50 cal round it would basically shred the leg and give you a permanent limp instead of actually blowing it clean off (if you survive of course).
  9. narwaljunior

    Emotional death

    Or make it so if a person takes enough health loss that goes to critical, you have your movement constricted to the point where you can only crawl tiny distances, kinda like last stand but it is not. During this time period you would be too weak to use a gun and will eventually die in one of those death animations. Although, it would be cool if you could revive someone or heal them at this stage. Of course, a headshot would be instant death and a leg shot wouldn't put you in this state.
  10. narwaljunior

    Lucid Dreams about DayZ and How They Adapt

    I had one dream where I was watching my character run through some city. It could have been Cherno but I don't know. I was running around firing at people who would turn around corners and there was like, a group or something of people running down the train tracks and then a train came and ran over my guy while there was 2 bandits firing guns everywhere. I was "able" to control my guy in my dream, but I didn't know it was a dream until right before I woke up.
  11. narwaljunior

    Trouble with my FPS

    I have a AMD 8150 CPU and a Nvidia Asus Gtx 560 Ti 1GB as my graphics card. Normally I run Dayz on high with 40 fps but it dips down to 15 fps periodically. Research on this has led me to believe that my CPU is bottlenecking my GPU which explains why the game sufferes dips in fps problems and not a constant low level of fps. My advice is to go Intel and not AMD. I will probably never buy one again since Intel seem to be better for gaming at the moment. (Probably a dust issue on the CPU preventing it from cooling, gonna apply new thermal paste after some dusting.)
  12. When I used to play Minecraft for like 4 hours a day I would build my base either above ground really far away, or make it underground with hidden entrances. Those faction raiding servers always had you looking for ways to improve your defense. Like, pitfall traps when activated by pressure plates, all that stuff. Whenever I would find an underground base just below the surface, I would either dig them out or shoot TNT at the dirt to dig them out(claimed land is NOT at ALL going to work in standalone, not what I'm suggesting). So, either you build aboveground bases on a very large map or go underground and add the ability to dig them out/ find the entrance. I would really love to have some sort of houses in SA. A place where I can make an operating room or store my precious vaccines. Whether it is boarding houses up or building a shack, I would love it. Personally I believe a person should be able to board up a house or create a underground bunker. The bunker should take a lot of resources in building and take a while to complete. DayZ Origins really nailed it for houses on their servers. It takes soo many resources to build the foundation and the actual house, which promotes teamplay (Dur, people crying about 10 man teams when the house only fits 2). The problem with these houses is the fact that they are too safe. There is such a large number of PIN combinations that it is almost impossible to pass-lock guess. So, I'd like to be able to smash a SUV into a wall of a bandit house and get the loot, but then take damage to my vehicle. If I was in my hero house while taking a shit and a URAL bursts through the wall, I'd want his URAL to lose a tire and knock him out while I finish reading my copy of Playzombie. TL;DR Board up existing houses or make discoverable bunkers underground or have aboveground houses. It is DayZ man. If your bunker gets raided while you're fapping and you haven't set up any defense, tough luck.
  13. It will be better at the start, and will continue to improve so long as our small dev team continues to make the best game possible and to not cater to easy mode players.
  14. You have my beans sir. :beans: Edit: Nevermind, my beans were spoiled.
  15. narwaljunior

    Campfire Stuff

    The Blackmail We better have some marshmellows when SA comes out or I'll personally sacrifice beans into the sea. Do it for the beans rocket. What is this kid talking about? Anyway, wouldn't that be cool to roast marshmellows on a fire with a stick? If you keep it in for X amount of time over the fire it becomes better for blood, go over a certain threshold and you burn it. Not enough and the marsmellow gives barely any blood. As for realism it wouldn't make sense for blood restoring, but that would be a fun minigame if you ask me. Okay what else Also, campfires are pathetic in this mod. I like the origins model of the campfire and not the little stick pile in normal DayZ. As mentioned in other threads it could be used for a "resting" model where your blood or health regenerates very slowly. Another feature would be the campfire scaring back wolves or coyotes if they were implemented. Lastly campfires should attract zombies at night time, even if the zombies are bat blind they can still heard the roasting logs. Thanks for reading! Post hatemail, death threats, praise, memes, or other criticisms below! yes we can have jelly
  16. narwaljunior

    chances of survival (SA)

    I'd be happy with splints and shakey arms/slow movement speed. Shot in the Arm = Untreated: Shakey aim/Can't switch Weps quickly Treated: Minimal reduction to aim shakeyness, regens quicker. Broken Arm = Untreated: Can't use two-handed guns until treated, both broken means can't hold anything in hands. Treated:Can use 1 handed gun if both broken, shakey aim on 2 handed until fully healed. Shot in leg = Untreated:Can walk/limp but might pass out from pain Treated: Slowed movement speed for a while, but will eventually regen. Broken Leg = Untreated: Reduced to crawl/very slow hobble. Treated: With splint + good food + morphine heals quickly, 10-20 mins maybe. Nobody really wants to wait 30 minutes to walk again, maybe a very slow walk Possible ability to have a friend help you walk? Crutches?
  17. Confirmed, model shown at PAX. Starts at 4:22
  18. narwaljunior

    Day Z Urban Legends

    You gotta be kidding me. One day when I was in Electro and had just respawned. I had made my way to the west firestation. There was tents EVERYWHERE. At least 40 of them. I was suspicious of them and decided to go and check them out. Right as I got to the tents I was shot by a double barrel shotgun in the back and was bleeding out. Then I saw a person stand over me, I thought he was gonna finish me off. Instead, I was teleported to the back part of Electro. My unconcious meter was at half and I just sat there dumbfounded looking at the person. The guy had the exact same loadout as me. Winchester, coyote patrol pack. He bandaged me and fixed my legs, but right as I woke up he ran off behind the blue hangar things. I said "Wait!" over direct chat and attempted to chase after him. As I turned the corner the guy was gone. I eventually died shortly after to a zombie since the guy didn't have a blood bag on him. That was my own damn fault though for the zombie part. From that day on I have been a medic, and a medic I shall be. I owe that guy thanks, and a game life. So, if I ever meet this Mysterious Stranger again, I'll give him my god damn beans.
  19. I'll just experience the stories then recite them over a campfire to my patients while I'm giving them blood bags through a straw while roasting marshmellows. ._. But anyway hoodie is the one I like... along with a copy of your novel I guess.
  20. narwaljunior

    Shot in the back

    Well, I once ran 8km to save a guy because I was a forum medic. Once I got there (We were in a skype call) I gave him a blood bag and stuff then gave him a spare ghillie I had. As I was walking out he put a mag into my back and laughed sadisticly in skype call. Never again
  21. narwaljunior

    Why DayZ will fail as a standalone game

    Pretty sure DayZ mod was never ment to go this big. It is a dream come true for a modder who low and behold found a 1.7 million crowd of players who turned the mod into a game. You can make a game so damn unique that nobody else can compete in its wake, or you can appeal to the masses... the ignorant blubbering masses.
  22. narwaljunior

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Excellent yes, yes. Now I can see where the bandits are in the forest... and then the hunted becomes the hunter. Let the bean wars commence.
  23. narwaljunior

    Some people are beyond dumb.

    I was playing Red Orchestra 2 last night, turned a corner to find a russian soldier in front of me. Pretty sure my scream was audible down the block and I put an entire mp40 mag into him from hipfire. I probably would blast randomly if I turned a corner to see a bandit running my way.
  24. Spent an hour crawling down a road north of electro only to get raped by zombies 5m away from the hospital.
  25. When I play ACE I don't even lug around a sniper rifle, too damn heavy and makes your guy pass out at like 100m of sprinting. Or maybe thats the people who choose a LMG and a stinger...