Hi, I played DayZ with no problems for the past 2 months and yesterday i had to reinstall my Windows and thus format my HDD. When i reinstalled DayZ again (Arma2Free, OA, DayZ Commander) every server i connect to works for several seconds and then i get HUGE ping spikes and desync. I know it's not my internet because when I quickly alt-tab as it happens and refresh servers on any game (TF2, CS:S, CS:GO) I get a lot of servers with 20+ ping. Though i kinda have a feeling it's an issue with battleye because the first time i turned on the game (late at night, just to configure graphics) battleye failed to update to latest version and ever since then I was getting this. Currently trying to reinstall the game, see how that works, will keep you updated. AMD FX8120 8GB RAM GTX560Ti W7 w/ SP1 Thanks for any idea, tips, or help you can provide.
It did update the day afterwards when I started playing and that's when these issues started. Whatever now I cant even re-install the game since A2Free decided to be an ass and not give me the CD-key.