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Connorwarman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Connorwarman (DayZ)

  1. Connorwarman (DayZ)

    [TAC] The Argent Crusade!

    Alright Ill hit you guys up!
  2. Connorwarman (DayZ)

    The Tent

    Not sure, on my server we save before every restart and lucky us, its been there! :D
  3. Connorwarman (DayZ)

    [TAC] The Argent Crusade!

    Skype name: connorabozz Server info will be given once i have you on skype.
  4. Connorwarman (DayZ)

    Looking for friends to play with

    We have a spot for you in my clan! :D Were just starting up and have our own server. Reply to this if you want to join!
  5. Connorwarman (DayZ)

    So Many Hackers, Isn't Worth Playing Anymore :(

    Do what me and my friends are doing, find a nice low population server, no hackers, no scripters and when you come into contact with another player its fantastic. But yesterday me and my friends died and someone blew up our camp so we said, what the hell and got a private server.
  6. Hmm....i play with a group of friends so i don't usually go solo. But when i do, i make sure to use the M4 CCO SD.