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Everything posted by DudelyPowers

  1. DudelyPowers

    Whats up with all the nerds..

    I saw a guy climbing a mountain in the distance and took a few pot shots with my Enfield at the grass and bushes around him just to scare the guy, then hid and logged out for the night so I could take a break. Does that make me a bad person?
  2. DudelyPowers

    Question about server crashes

    This has been happening to me. I was trying to play earlier tonight, and every time I got into a server, a few minutes later that "no response from server" message pops up. Every server I tried did this, it is aggravating.
  3. DudelyPowers

    Dont go it alone

    That means I would need to install teamspeak aaarrrrgh
  4. DudelyPowers

    New clothing.

  5. DudelyPowers

    Dont go it alone

    I'd play with friends more often, but one of them isn't always online when I am, and the other, uh... The other one doesn't really "get" tactics. Example: I'm covering him from a rooftop at night while he searches a firestation, he pops a flare even though he has a G17 with a flashlight and there are chemlights all over the damn place, and I get sniped.
  6. DudelyPowers

    Fall two feet, pass out and die

    When it comes to falling in this game, it does seem almost like everyone is made of glass. Dropping four feet in reality might be jarring, but if you land properly you can avoid injury; in contrast, I once stepped off of some stairs in a barn and fell unconscious while zombies tore out my intestines. There's being unforgiving, and then there's being cheap. Pretty unfortunate, but what are you gonna do.
  7. DudelyPowers


    I did this to some guy once. Changed my profile name to ComeAtMeBro and sprinted around cherno attracting zombies, then led them to some guy hiding in the grocery store. The best part was when I stayed in the room with him while the zombies swarmed, running around the shelves with him trying to chase me. Then I ran away and he chased me to another building, and he was killed by the zombies for it. It was great.
  8. DudelyPowers

    Murder by Numbers

    0% bandit: Default survivor skin 25% bandit: Default survivor skin' date=' but baseball cap is worn backwards 50% bandit: Backwards cap, saggy jeans 75% bandit: Shirt and vest are replaced by a hoodie 100% bandit: [img']http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f31/SlowShootinPete/ali-g.jpg
  9. (How can you be so consistently hilarious) OP: I was enjoying your story until the "We're better than you" nonsense started. Forming a group that uses tactics is awesome, being a dick about it is not.
  10. DudelyPowers

    Thoughts on Bandages

    Why Just Just why, man You're complaining that being able to fully bandage your own wounds is unrealistic, but having this kind of wound treatment that you can perform on yourself be general knowledge while having the supplies to perform it be rare AND take up a ludicrous amount of space is better?!
  11. DudelyPowers

    Thoughts on Bandages

    Put solo players into a position where their survival absolutely depends on a stranger. A stranger with unknown intentions. While they are weak and desperate from blood loss. No thanks. You know, if you want to be really realistic, practically any gunshot wound in a post-apocalyptic scenario like this will result either in losing a limb or death. A gunshot wound anywhere in the torso? May as well just swig some vodka or something and then turn your Makarov on yourself. There is literally nothing else you can do to avoid a slow death from infection. I don't know about you, but that level of realism doesn't sound very fun to me.
  12. DudelyPowers

    Dying needs to have consequences

    I think losing the Coyote pack that I spent hours scouring a dozen deer stands for after being in the wrong place at the wrong time for a couple of seconds is consequence enough.
  13. DudelyPowers

    Things to be aware of at the start

    - Use whatever weapon has the most ammo. If you have a Makarov with 6 mags and find a revolver with just one box of bullets, keep the Makarov. - When you attract zombies, find a building to take cover in and switch to your pistol. - Be aware that while you're fighting a horde of zombies, you are very vulnerable to opportunistic players. Stay aware of your surroundings and keep away from windows if you can. - Always have an escape route from the zombies, avoid fighting a horde in a dead-end or small room with only one door. Barns, warehouses, and those two-room brick houses are excellent places to hold out because of their multiple exits. - Fight from high ground when you can. This applies to PvP as well as zombie slaying; if you hide on a rooftop and stay behind cover you will be more difficult to kill.
  14. DudelyPowers

    Setting up / cutting down barbed wire

    You apparently have to target the little struts holding the wire up, and their hitboxes are extremely finicky. I have successfully managed to remove barbed wire once, and tried many times after that with no luck.
  15. DudelyPowers

    Knifes & Nades

    1. Hold knife like ice pick. 2. Sneak up behind target. 3. Apply pointy part to temple. 4. Scrambled brains, anyone? As for melee weapons being one-shots, I could see that working if you have them take up pistol ammo slots like bandages do. Just say that when you use the knife to stab someone in the skull, the tip breaks and becomes useless.
  16. DudelyPowers

    A question about infected speeds

    People with no sense of pain tend to very frequently injure themselves, doing things like biting off their own tongues and cutting their hands on things. A bunch of zombies sprinting around at full-tilt with no sense of pain would be like in those movie chase scenes where the bad guys keep crashing into stuff and exploding. These zombies should be carelessly tripping, slamming into things, falling down stairs, and generally wrecking themselves, especially considering that they seem to have poor eyesight. I imagine that would be difficult or impossible to simulate, though, but that's why it would make sense to me for them to be slower.
  17. DudelyPowers

    The awsomeness of still being alive!

    I might be alive still too if I stopped letting my friend drag me into retarded tactical positions. Oh well.
  18. DudelyPowers

    Climbing Zombies

    It would be interesting if zombies would slip and fall off of ladders sometimes, seeing as they probably don't have the best coordination now that they're dead.
  19. Playing at night without the brightness turned up kills my eyes. I can still barely see anyway.
  20. DudelyPowers

    Bandit for self-defense

    Yeah, that's technically not self defense anymore so much as revenge. Self defense would have been putting more distance between you after escaping.