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The Mysterious Stranger

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About The Mysterious Stranger

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Im looking for a bandit clan, not one of those wannabe kiddie groups that sit on hills and snipe new spawns Want a clan to participate in ambushs and other clan destruction, someone who knows what they are doing. I mainly play on Lingor on the villayer hive, I dont really like ther chenarus map anymore. But private servers are fine by me if thats all you play on (i know most do due to hackers) Experienced as a sniper, but not one to sit around sniping, I move from place to place and take out large groups mostly, if they have no thermal weapons I usually follow for 1 hour to see if they are making any kind of moves that lead me to believe they are heading for their camp, then take them out and save their tents with nothing in them, hiding the bodies and gear. Needs to be europe really for best ping but can play on most servers ok.
  2. The Mysterious Stranger

    Looking for a bandit clan of non cheaters

    Whats impossible? Finding a clan of bandits that dont use cheats? Ive seen plenty out in the field that dont alt f4 or server hop, im a hardcore player and im not gonna cheat to to make myself look 'badass' Ill do it with clean kills
  3. Im looking for a bandit clan who wont alt f4 at the sight of danger or use hacks/ server hopping to win the day. Why? Because im not a cheater thats why. All the bandit clans ive tried to join so far alt f4 if someone even fires near them in a firefight, or they 'try' and kill me as soon as we meet. So my gear will be left at my camp until I get more trusted within the group (ill take some lower end weapons with me like a kobra or m16, im leaving my good gear somewhere safe so bear in mind killing me will get you nothing and I wont even care as I can just restock on a friend's server in minutes) All my kills are legitimate and im proud of the murders ive got without cheating. If there are any bandit clans out there recruiting i want to tag along, Im tired of going solo and want to get out there and overwhelm so poor bastards with numbers so they wont know what hit them. I have teamspeak and a mike No skype or steam Im away the weekend until monday so ill come back then and check out any offers then My skills are mainly close range combat with automatic weapons and im a very good grenade thrower :) Though I can snipe pretty well too most of the time, im not here to kill zeds, just players. Im from the UK so europe players preferred due to ping
  4. The Mysterious Stranger

    19 murders 6 bandit kills

    Nice, my top score is 11 murders and 8 bandit kills in one life, though I admit I was camping with a sniper rifle at the time
  5. The Mysterious Stranger

    Hero skins how many bandits use it to draw in unsuspecting players..?

    I usually yell friendly and kill them anyway, who needs the trouble of getting a hero skin? Takes far too long
  6. The Mysterious Stranger

    We got 20 RANDOM people in ELEKTRO to form a group

    Looks to me like you were on a non PvP server.
  7. The Mysterious Stranger

    1 rock 2 birds

    Nicely done :)