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About Skafsgaard

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Okay, so I logged in on this server to play a bit - wanted to respect their wish of keeping the server PvP-free as well (what's the harm?). But but but.... as soon as I joined, I was remotely slayed and kicked a few seconds after I respawned. I joined the server again, but was kicked immediately. I kept on joining the server and being kicked (like 10 times or so), and at last I was allowed to stay on the server for a few minutes. I ran through Elektro, and noticed that there were absolutely NO zombies. They had somehow prevented zombies from spawning. There were 5 players on the server at the time, but '0/0' zombies. I was kicked again. I found another server, moved to where I had died, logged in on DE 1306 a couple of times until I could stay long enough to spawn and loot my old body (6 days old character). I succeeded in doing so, but was kicked right after (resulting in the gear not being saved to my account, and me being left with nothing). Any idiot can clearly state that the server is breaking the rules. But it seems as no one is administrating the servers or what? In case there is, that guy/those guys should get their finger our their a*s and just attempt to join that server ONCE. Then you'll have enough proof to revoke their right to be connected to the hive. I'm sick and tired of connecting to servers breaking the rules. I of course only connect to servers on the hive, yet 60-70% are breaking the rules, slaying people, restarting irregularly (whenever they loose a vehicle), or kicks/bans whoever joins the server. This game suffers GREATLY because these players are allowed to be connected to the hive while clearly breaking several rules at the expense of other players. This is a way bigger problem than the hacker-situation!